Events | Personality Style

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Personality Style & Development Webinars

There is much more to learn about this post and its related topic. Follow the link below for further insight and information from HRDQ-U.
There is much more to learn about this post and its related topic. Follow the link below for further insight and information from HRDQ-U.
Discover how improving your Presentation Intelligence (PQ) with its six key components can help you increase your earning power by up to 15%.
When we think about our best relationships, and what is good about them, we will see more than ever how truly valuable they are, and how grateful we are when those human connections are authentic, positive, and productive.
Discover the three leadership personalities (Mickey, Donald, and Mufasa) demonstrated by Walt Disney. Learn how and when to use each one.
Use a unique approach to help improve work relationships that can make a big difference in operational efficiency and employee satisfaction.
There is much more to learn about this post and its related topic. Follow the link below for further insight and information from HRDQ-U.
There is much more to learn about this post and its related topic. Follow the link below for further insight and information from HRDQ-U.
There is much more to learn about this post and its related topic. Follow the link below for further insight and information from HRDQ-U.
Practice how to use your Authentic Voice the principles and process for self-expression to build high-functioning and respectful teams.
There is much more to learn about this post and its related topic. Follow the link below for further insight and information from HRDQ-U.
Self-understanding is essential for learning and growth. Learn how different personality styles play a role in training to enhance learning.
Communication is key to successful leadership, teamwork, and strategy. Find your communication behaviors with What’s My Communication Style.
Reinvent DISC training with lasting behaviors. Learn how to adapt the personality style assessments into a fun and engaging experience.
Gain insights into your coaching style and its impact on interactions and relationships to adopt and implement effective coaching styles.


If we understand ourselves, we’re better prepared to navigate conflict with others. Empowering your employees to understand their own personal strengths and weaknesses helps boost teamwork, morale, and company culture. HRDQ-U’s personality style and personal development training events help arm employees with the understanding they need to successfully move through the workplace and build a constructive company culture based on empathy and integrity.

Personality in the Workplace

Everybody is affected by everyone else’s personalities. That’s why it’s so important that everyone understands how they show up, what they bring to the table, and how their personalities affect others. So, what does that look like?

Conflict Resolution Personalities really come out when a conflict arises. Everyone seems to fall back on their default characteristics and natural instincts. And in the context of stress and tension, those qualities may not always the best. Conflict can bring out competitiveness, passive aggressiveness, anger, or withdrawal. When employees know these basic personality facts about themselves, they’re more likely to notice them in sticky situations and can act to combat them for a more empathetic and productive conversation.

Teamwork Everyone has a different strength while working as part of a team. Some are natural leaders, some are creative brainstormers, and some are organized and keep everyone on task—and there are many more roles to play. Understanding personality style is key for effective teamwork. When employees understand their unique strengths and roles on a team, they’re more apt to contribute to it.

Managing Up Understanding personal strengths and weaknesses can help employees understand how to work more effectively as well. This level of personal understanding can empower a deeper relationship between managers and employees, informing effective conversations about how to grow.

Leadership Self-awareness isn’t just helpful for employees reporting up into managers. It’s even more important for managers and leaders to understand themselves and their team. Part of personal development is understanding what kind of leader you are. How do you navigate stress? How do you make decisions? How do you delegate work? What about your employees? Knowing these basic personality traits gives leaders a framework by which to understand how they lead, how they can improve their leadership, and how they can empower employees to do the same.

Self-awareness plays a crucial role in company culture and organizational success—from interns all the way up to senior leadership. HRDQ-U offers a range of personality style training events to help you facilitate these conversations and get all employees thinking about who they are and how they’re showing up in the workplace.
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