What We Learned: The Top 10 Webinars of 2022

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What We Learned: The Top 10 Webinars of 2022

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2022 was a year filled with change, opportunity, and innovation in the corporate world, and as learning professionals, we learned a lot. Organizational leaders learned how to better handle difficult situations and problems that arise to enforce a safe and inclusive workplace environment through communication and coaching. They also learned how to keep their employees engaged in training sessions, meetings, and other interactions that might be deemed as boring.

In addition, employees learned how to communicate better in the workplace with individuals of all levels while erasing their self-doubt. They learned new skills to help cultivate creation, tackle hard situations on their own, and adapt to change more easily when it occurs.

Let’s take a look at the top 10 most popular webinars and see what we have learned in 2022.

#10 Boost Presence, Tame Your Emotional Triggers, and Erase Self-Doubt

We have heard a lot about people needing to work on their professional and executive presence in the past year, but most didn’t know where to start. Our #10 webinar went deep to the source of this issue to teach you a lot about your own professional or executive presence and how early beliefs are unconsciously self-sabotaging your best self.

#9 Cultivating Adaptability: Normalizing Change

This year, more and more individuals, teams, and organizations realized they simply could not stay the same, but at the same time, they found that change is very hard to implement. #9 on our list is a webinar that discusses the need to normalize change to strive in these volatile times.

#8 Create Compelling Presentations for Virtual Training

Create Compelling Presentations for Virtual Training

Remote learning is here to stay, as is the Zoom fatigue that many learners experience. The importance of compelling content is becoming ever more apparent, but trying to do that can be hard. The #9 webinar on our list demonstrates how to create compelling presentations for successful training in a virtual environment.

#7 Design Coaching to Deliver Results

Coaching has never been as important as it is today, given our new ways of working and learning. Yet obstacles remain to building a coaching culture within organizations. #7 on our list is a coaching webinar that explains the framework to becoming a better coach and deliver results that matter the most in your organization.

#6 The Gratitude Effect: Unleashing the Power of Recognition & Appreciation in Organizations

The Gratitude Effect | HRDQ-U Webinar

Many workplaces understand the power of acknowledgement in the workplace, but most enlightened organizations are taking recognition and rewards a step further. In this webinar, coming in at #6, learn the real, tangible, and actionable steps to building a better workplace culture using a proven method for culture change.

#5 PowerPoint Animations to Create Engaging Presentations

Animation is a critical component in presentations because it paces the flow of information, making things clearer for your audience and supports more effective storytelling. #5 on our list will teach you how to use animation to great effect to bring your story to life, capture your audience’s attention, and keep them engaged longer.

#4 Intros and Icebreakers for Amazing Training Sessions

First impressions matter, and how you open your learning event will set expectations and establish a tone for the whole session. Our #4 webinar this year will teach you effective approaches for setting the groundwork for lively learning events, whether live or online.

#3 Everyone Communicates but Few Connect

Everyone Communicates but Few Connect | HRDQ-U Webinar

The ability to communicate effectively is absolutely crucial to be successful both in business and relationships. #3 on our list is an informative webinar that will uncover that real communication comes down to the ability to connect with people.

#2 Resolve to Evolve with EQ: How Soft Skills Help Tackle Hard Situations

Resolving conflict isn’t easy, but the way we resolve conflict can set the tone for our future. Coming in at #2 on our list is a conflict resolution webinar that will give you the tools on how to handle conflict resolution and how to control your emotions so that you can create a strong team environment with less obstacles.

#1 How Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Build Psychological Safety & Inclusive Work Environments

Emotional intelligence has emerged as the most talked about quality to have this year, earning this webinar the #1 spot on our list. David Cory and Carlos Cadogan discuss the foundations of building and sustaining a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization through emotional and cultural intelligence.

These themes were among the many live webinars hosted by HRDQ-U and presented by well-known and inspiring professionals this year. We appreciate all who attended and hope you will continue to join us for more intriguing learning content in 2023!

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One Response

  1. Very helpful page! I watch HDRQ Webinars throughout the year but some I miss due to life getting in the way. This article helps me go back and watch some of the more noteworthy presentations. Thank you!

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