Move Over, Move Up, Or Move On: 9 Proven Leadership Lessons for Optimal Results

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Move Over, Move Up, Or Move On: 9 Proven Leadership Lessons for Optimal Results HRDQ-U Webinar

Move Over, Move Up, Or Move On: 9 Proven Leadership Lessons for Optimal Results

This On-Demand event was originally presented on November 16, 2022 (60 min)


If you want to know what makes a leader a great leader, just ask the people that work for them what it is about them that makes them such a great boss and a pleasure to work for.

Undoubtedly, one of the recurring themes that we hear over and over is that simply put, great leaders are leaders who care.  Period.  When we care about others, everything changes. Caring leaders talk, listen, motivate, encourage, develop, advance, retain staff, and achieve greater results. So, the question is, why aren’t there more leaders who care?

In this webinar, Chris Boguslaw will share with us lessons learned that make the case for leaders, employees, and work teams to display the behaviors and take the necessary actions to demonstrate that they care!

Leaders, employees, and work teams who want to achieve greater results, both personally and professionally, will want to join this webinar and will benefit from viewing it either individually or as a group.

Attendees will learn

  • How to incorporate caring behaviors and actions into our daily lives
  • How to value the importance of Commitment and Consistency – The foundation on our journey toward improvement
  • How to identify the steps of personal and professional growth and change
  • Proven Leadership Lessons for achieving optimal results
  • How to recognize when it’s time to consider to “move up, move over, or move on” in their career
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Move Over, Move Up, Or Move On: 9 Proven Leadership Lessons for Optimal Results


Chris Boguslaw is the author of Move Over, Move Up, or Move On: 9 Proven Leadership Lessons for Optimal Results and the president of “Team Bogie,” a consulting firm that helps individuals and teams to achieve optimal performance. Chris began his career in the Human Resources and Employee Engagement/Development fields while serving in the U.S. Army. He continues to fuel his passion for improving employee and organizational performance today.

A graduate of the Pennsylvania State University with a Master of Education degree in instructional systems design, Chris was part of the select “Mobile Training Assist Team” (MTAT) working with the newly created U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), tasked with training staff to ensure the safety of cargo and passenger air travel after the tragic events of 9/11. Additionally, he was responsible for managing both training and administrative operations while employed at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Philadelphia Homeownership Center, and with the TSA at Philadelphia International Airport.

Chris has served as a part-time adjunct faculty member at Gwynedd Mercy University, where he has taught various management-related topics for master’s, bachelor, and associate degree programs.

He is a highly sought-after presenter and facilitator, where his workshops focus on employee engagement, leadership development, communication skills, team building, and customer service.

To learn more about Chris and Team Bogie, visit



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Move Over, Move Up, Or Move On: 9 Proven Leadership Lessons for Optimal Results

“Chris is an excellent presenter. He kept my interest throughout his presentation, and focused on practical ideas that are of most importance to a boots-on-the-ground manager. Bravo!”

– Wiliam B.

Move Over, Move Up, Or Move On: 9 Proven Leadership Lessons for Optimal Results

“Great reminders for leadership success and a few tips for improvement in multiple areas!”

– Nikole B.

Move Over, Move Up, Or Move On: 9 Proven Leadership Lessons for Optimal Results

“I liked the information Mr. Boguslaw gave. It was short, sweet, to the point, and was still meaty (full of info!). Thank you so much for the information!”

– Allyn Kim G.

5 Responses

  1. Question: How do you help an employee who acts passive aggressive towards them as a leader when it truly comes out of insecurity, if they’ve already tried to be aware, and be careful around it?
    Answer: That’s hard, Very difficult, but the way to deal with that is at the moment that whatever behavior that’s unacceptable happens, it’s addressed that. I’ve made many mistakes in my career of kicking the can down the road and the problem got worse and worse. So one is actually talking with the person and saying, you know, this is unacceptable behavior because you did X, Y, and Z, that doesn’t represent our core values of positive communication, kindness, whatever the values are that your team has put together. And the hard part is letting them know the ultimatum, you know this won’t be tolerated. If it happens again, you know, assuming you’ve given a couple of chances you, you’ve done your due diligence, um, there’s got to be a consequence at the end and unfortunately, there’s a lot of organizations that don’t allow for that consequence to happen at that level. It’s like, you know, you’ve taken it up, the chain is for, you can get it and the answer is well, just deal with. Well, then, what happens, that ruins the manager’s quality of life than the managers going to cut out and then the system just perpetuates itself.

  2. Question: What are some of the most common reasons teams fail?
    Answer: I think some of that lack of communication, they know the communication isn’t clear, the expectations are clear. Management isn’t dealing with a difficult employee. And, you know, that’s a problem. If there’s an employee who is, doesn’t play nice in the sandbox, and it’s not being addressed, there’s the danger of losing your thoughts. So, yeah, I’d say, not clear and expectations. Poor communication, and not hold folks accountable. There’s three, there’s probably a lot more in it.

  3. Question: Other than monetary incentives, what other office friendly incentives would be appreciated by recipients?
    Answer: I think that is best, you know, that would be an amazing thing if you’re a leader to get your group together. Just pose that question. That’s really cool, because then that’s showing them that, hey, this is a two-way street. I would say, a little flexibility. Maybe, you know, somebody could leave an hour earlier, So on certain days, or they get it lunch, get certificate, Know, those kind of things. But just keep it open so that everyone’s aware of it, that, hey, these are the things that can be achieved if you’re doing great things, but I would talk to the folks and see what they want.

  4. Question: How do you handle a manager that consistently rewards bad employees by giving their work to good employees who get their work done and have good time management?
    Answer: I think that would be a conversation with the manager themselves. Assuming you have that relationships with a lot of folks that do that. They may not be aware that they’re doing it. And so you’re gonna have to tread lightly, hopefully, you have a relationship with them, ways that you can talk to them and say, Hey, no, what gets here? And, that’s where, it’s so important to have this honest, open communication, that manager’s job, to create that environment that you feel comfortable to go to. Because what’s going to happen is, you know, I say there’s three things. When you have a good employee being punished, by getting more work, you are a good employee performing employ history choices, work like heck to make it. But that’s approaching the management talkington to suffer. And there’s more, But these are much work like **** to make it, to suffer in silence, nobody wants to hear a complaint. Nobody wants to hear work in three and move on. That’s the danger, so where can we connect to make it better? Suffer in silence and if you can’t take it so unhealthy to you, move on.

  5. Question: How do you delegate to those who continue to make mistakes? Not someone who does it differently, than how you do it, but just continue to make the same mistakes?
    Answer: That’s tough because if they’re willing and able, well, if they’re willing, but not necessarily able, no. I think communicate the importance of the errors that they’re making and how it’s not acceptable. Sit down and show them how they can correct this. But the accountability factor has to be there. No, this can’t continue, so, you know, give it a couple of times. Where can you throw it? If they see they’re not getting it, it’s either because they don’t want to or they can’t. Then you’re gonna have to address that If they don’t, if they’re not able to, then they’re probably not the right job. They don’t want to, there’s something holding them back, and that’s what you’d have to go.


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