Blueprint for Success: How to Construct Robust Online Communities at Work

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Blueprint for Success: How to Construct Robust Online Communities at Work

Blueprint for Success: How to Construct Robust Online Communities at Work

This On-Demand event was originally presented on October 18, 2023 (60 min)


In an era where remote work and digital collaboration are becoming the norm, the ability to create and sustain online community building is more crucial than ever. This webinar, “Blueprint for Success: How to Construct Robust Online Communities at Work,” offers an exciting and engaging journey to help you unlock this potential. This webinar is designed not just to inform but to empower you to create and nurture workplace communities with a clear focus on practical application in your unique work environment.

Join Shannon Tipton, owner, and community builder, as we dive into the heart of what makes an online workplace community thrive. From establishing the initial groundwork and ethos to ensuring sustained engagement and fruitful interaction among members, all will be explored. You will also be introduced to a range of practical strategies and innovative tools that will equip you to create a dynamic and inclusive online space where ideas flourish and employees feel truly connected.

Whether you’re building an online community from scratch or aiming to improve an existing one, this webinar is your guide. It will provide you with the tools to not only support your business goals but also foster a sense of belonging among your employees, irrespective of their physical location.

Join Shannon for this empowering journey, build a foundation in the art of online community building, and transform the way your teams and learners communicate and collaborate. In the process, you’ll contribute to a more inclusive, engaged, and connected workplace.

Attendees will learn

  • Unpack the unique advantages and challenges of community building in the ever-evolving workplace ecosystem.
  • Understand how the magic of online communities can be a game-changer in boosting collaboration, supercharging communication, and turbocharging engagement within your organization.
  • Dive into the nuts and bolts of how to design and structure a thriving online community that resonates with your team’s and organization’s unique needs.
  • Appreciate the cornerstone role of community guidelines in safeguarding a respectful, inclusive, and high-energy digital space.
  • Gain proven strategies to ignite active participation, foster deep collaboration, and ensure enduring engagement within your online community.
  • Determine crucial key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help you track the health, success, and impact of your online community, guiding your steps towards continuous improvement.
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Blueprint for Success: How to Construct Robust Online Communities at Work

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A workplace learning expert for 30+ years, Shannon Tipton fights for learning that sticks. As the founder of Learning Rebels®, she strategically fixes training that’s broken, develops learning that delivers desired business results, and leverages resources wisely. Known for her Rebellious Rebuilding™ Framework, Shannon’s approach to learning reinforcement invites much-needed curiosity and strategy into the L&D world. As a global speaker, Shannon has coached and trained thousands of people worldwide on how to maximize and modernize workplace learning.

In addition to her extensive experience and expertise in workplace learning, Shannon Tipton has also built a robust community of Learning and Development (L&D) professionals. Through her work with Learning Rebels®, she has created a platform that has attracted a diverse group of L&D professionals from various industries and backgrounds to share ideas, strategies, and best practices for creating effective and impactful learning programs.

To join her in the fight for learning that sticks and results that connect, visit Learning Rebels® ⇗.

Available on Amazon

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Learning Rebels®

We Are Curiosity-Driven, Passionate Partners In Workplace Learning.

At Learning Rebels®, we know that doing things the way they’ve “always been done” is why much of workplace training today doesn’t work. As a practice, we rebel against status quo thinking, and instead – allow curiosity to underpin all the work we do.

Learn more at Learning Rebels® ⇗



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