Fit to Lead: 3 Essentials for Enduring Leadership Success

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Fit to Lead: 3 Essentials for Enduring Leadership Success

Fit to Lead: 3 Essentials for Enduring Leadership Success

This On-Demand event was originally presented on April 24, 2024 (60 min)


Leadership is hard, especially for those who are new to their leadership role. Unlike when you were an individual contributor and your success was dependent on your own output, your success now is entirely contingent upon the successful output and performance of others. You’re under incessant pressure for greater and more substantial results from your bosses and endless pleas for more resources and compensation from your direct reports. You’re constantly being asked to do more and given less with which to do it. You’re likely to struggle between the competing demands of your work life and home life. There’s a big gap between the happy fantasies about leadership you had before moving into your leadership role and the hard realities you’re now likely facing. It’s enough to make a new leader want to give up.

Take heart! While leadership is hard, it doesn’t have to be joyless! The Fit to Lead: 3 Essentials for Enduring Leadership Success webinar, facilitated by leadership author Bill Treasurer, is designed to lighten your leadership load by sharing practical guidance – gathered from thousands of successful leaders – that you can quickly put to use to be a more effective leader. You’ll get time-tested advice for building the skills, knowledge, mindset, and wherewithal that guide successful leadership careers.

Attendees will learn

  • Three areas of leadership “fitness” that all leaders need to know.
  • The “Three S’s of Strong Leadership” and the “Three S’s of Doomed Leadership.”
  • The dramatic difference between encouragement and enfearment.
  • How to get great results without crushing people’s souls.
  • Why psychological safety is key to effective individual and team performance.
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Fit to Lead: 3 Essentials for Enduring Leadership Success

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Bill Treasurer is the founder of Giant Leap Consulting, Inc., and the author of six books. Bill’s newest book, Leadership Two Words at a Time, serves as a leadership playbook that any leader can use to amp up their effectiveness, performance, and productivity. For the last three decades, Bill has led courage-building workshops for thousands of leaders throughout the world, including for such renowned organizations as NASA, Accenture, UBS Bank, Spanx, Lenovo, eBay, Walsh Construction, Southern Company, Saks Fifth Avenue, the National Security Agency, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.


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Giant Leap Consulting

Giant Leap Consulting, Inc., is on a mission to build workplace courage. We partner with our valued clients to set bold strategies, build strong teams, and develop courageous leaders. Our aim is to drive out fear so that everyone can work with more honesty, accountability, passion, and enjoyment. Repeat clients include NASA, eBay, Lenovo, Southern Company, the National Science Foundation, and the Social Security Administration.

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4 Responses

  1. Question: Do you have any tips on how to motivate staff that are not open to feedback and don’t think that they need it?

    Answer: A couple of thoughts, you know, come to mind. First of all, that’s going to stop their own growth, right? So, let’s recognize the dangers and risks to that person’s own career. One thing that I would have you consider is in a one-on-one moment, with them, when you have to give them feedback, that is to say, listen, I need to clarify my role as a leader. Part of my role is to provide feedback, and that is to help you to be as effective as you could possibly be. And as a feedback giver, I’m going to share with you some feedback right now. It’s not to hurt you. It’s to help you be more effective in what you do around here, within this culture, because that’s the expectation. And the expectation is that everybody on the team is going to be subject to feedback, and guess what? I’m subject to feedback from my boss and my bosses. And, so, now I’m going to share with you the feedback. In other words, you have to create the expectation that, look, you’re in your leadership role, you’re supposed to give feedback, and then it’s normal. Around here, we’re a high feedback culture, and feedback is the way that we grow, that, we learn, we progress, we evolve, and I’m a recipient of plenty of feedback. And that feedback, and I would also start by pointing out the moments when you don’t, don’t just wait for negative feedback moments. Like, you see them do something really good that you, maybe, you’ve heard on a Zoom meeting, or you heard of the actual in person meeting, and it’s taking them aside, and, say, hey, I just wanted to spend a couple of minutes with say what you, just did there, that piece that you’ve just delivered, that was, like, exceptional. That was really good, and I just want to let you know that I noticed, and I’ll get other people to, like, they may be a little uncomfortable with that, too. Dwait for the negative moments, clarify the expectation of that, a leader as a giver of feedback and that you are a recipient of feedback yourself, and it’s what the expectation of the organization is. But that person, if they don’t get the feedback, they’re probably going to find themselves fired. They’re certainly not going to be as productive as they can be, and there will be a natural organic reverberation from being insulated from feedback from that person. So, I hope that you deliver the message. If you don’t, they’re going to get a natural consequence anyway.

  2. Question: Can you talk about the 15 minutes of quality time and how can that be a challenge working in a remote environment? Do you have any tips?

    Answer: Remote leadership is nothing new. Right? Like, we’ve been remotely leading people for 20 years. I used to be with Accenture and during the explosive dotcom, boom, we started to do offshore outsourcing. Well, that’s where we’ve really started to lead people with remote teams in other countries. And if you Google remote leadership, you will come up with over a billion results. So, by now, you should probably have a lot of tips on, and there’s great books on it, the robot leader by Kevin … barriers when it comes to mind. And Wayne Terminal, what I will say is, that, yes, it’s going to take more discipline for you as a leader, it’s going to take more discipline, too. Make sure that you are scheduling the one-on-one time in the same way that you used to back in person, and that is to say, Hey, you know, I’d like to meet with you on Thursday for 15 minutes, just you. And I, just to catch up, we haven’t. I know we’ve got to work or really push the work, But let’s get a little connection moment going. And it’s being disciplined about putting those in place.

  3. Question: Does anybody ever have the resources that they need, and then being under resourced and doing more with less than norm?

    Answer: For as leaders, we have to remember, the calvary is not coming to save us. You have to have a certain degree of self-reliance when you’re in a leadership role. You will almost be perpetually under resourced, but that doesn’t become your excuse to not eat lunch. You can be under resourced and still make time for lunch as a matter of personal fidelity and self-respect. Sometimes we get into a little Hero Syndrome. Things will fall apart and I have to be there because things will fall apart. We need to have boundaries and self-respect and recognize that when you demonstrate selfcare, you will be better for the organization and more productive, which will make you a better leader.


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