Hybrid Teams – Being a Great Teammate is Different

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Hybrid Teams – Being a Great Teammate is Different

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As we emerge from our COVID bunkers, most of us will be changing the way we work. Some of us will pick up where we were eighteen months ago and just go back to the office and the routines we largely abandoned. For most of us, though, this won’t be the case. Over two-thirds of organizations say they are moving to a “hybrid” arrangement, where some people will be in the office and others elsewhere on any given day. One of the things that will be more complex is how to show you’re a great teammate. The term “hybrid productivity” has emerged as a defining challenge in the hybrid workplace. The shift to hybrid teams, where some members work in the office while others operate remotely, has introduced complexities that demand careful consideration. Why does being a hybrid teammate seem more intricate than ever before? The answers lie in the nuances of human communication, the challenge of inclusion, and the quest for visibility when working at a distance. In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of hybrid productivity and complications, exploring the reasons behind its complexity and unveiling strategies to excel as a teammate in this new paradigm.

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Hybrid team complications

Why is being a teammate on a hybrid team more complicated?

There are a couple of reasons:

  • Humans prefer to communicate by proximity. When we are in the same room as our teammates, communication is easy. We catch someone’s eye and are reminded of something we need to ask them. Maybe we have a question; we can look around and see who looks busy at this moment or stop by the manager’s desk. When we work apart, those who are out of sight are literally out of mind. It is easy to exclude teammates who aren’t right under your nose.
  • Part of the proximity issue is the problem of exclusion. Need to partner with someone on a project? It’s easier to choose someone who is in the same location. It’s not that you have anything against the person in Denver; you just find it easier to work with the person at the next desk.
  • For remote workers, it’s harder to be visible to your teammates. It takes more effort to be heard in those meetings where everyone else is in the conference room and you’re on a crackly speakerphone. You’d be happy to answer questions or be a resource to your teammates, but they don’t ask often because they don’t know what you’re doing and don’t want to “bother you.”
  • Hybrid productivity is harder to track; how do you know your team is doing well when they are at a distance?

Three components to great hybrid teammates

In our book, “The Long-Distance Teammate, Stay Engaged and Connected While Working Anywhere,” we say there are three components to being a great teammate: Productivity, Proactivity, and Potential. While these were originally noted for teams that are remote from each other, the same rules apply to hybrid teams; you just need to adjust your thinking.

1. Hybrid productivity is more than getting your tasks done. It’s helping the team get its collective work done in a timely manner. Great teammates know that the job is more than what’s on your task list. This means you might have to swap priorities on a given day. Maybe you have to go into the office on that day if you’d rather not.

2. Proactivity often gets confused with “doing tasks without being asked.” That’s certainly part of it, but being a proactive team member means taking action in many ways. At a meeting, did a team member seem confused? You can wait for them to ask you a question or reach out.  If you’re interested in a project, are you going to ask your manager for the opportunity, or hope they don’t just assign it to someone who’s in the office and under their nose? If something needs to be said at a meeting, do you hide in the shadows or speak up? Great teammates aren’t invisible, even if they’re not physically present.

3. Finally, Potential is taking a long view of things. Yes, you can put your head down and not bother reaching out to every member of your team. You can certainly keep things “all business” and not engage in social conversation. But over time, what will the impact of those behaviors be? You can be a great teammate, even if you’re not physically in the thick of the action. It does, though, take awareness, planning, and hard work. The benefits of flexible work and personal life/work balance make it worth the effort.

Intricacies of hybrid teammates

As we navigate the intricacies of hybrid productivity, it becomes clear that being a valuable teammate in this setting is not only achievable but essential. The traditional boundaries of proximity no longer define the reach of our contributions. To succeed, we must adapt and embrace a broader perspective on what it means to be a great teammate. Productivity, proactivity, and potential remain the cornerstones of excellence, whether our team is spread across different locations or working side by side. By acknowledging the unique challenges of hybrid teams and taking deliberate actions to overcome them, we can harness the benefits of flexible work arrangements while maintaining strong connections with our colleagues. In the end, the effort invested in becoming a standout teammate in the era of hybrid work is a worthy investment, promising enhanced personal growth and a more productive, harmonious team dynamic.

Headshot of Wayne Turmel
Wayne Turmel

Wayne Turmel is a writer, speaker, and co-founder of the Remote Leadership Institute. For 25 years, he has helped people communicate effectively to lead employees, teams, and projects. For the last 12 years, he has focused on learning the skills necessary to survive – and thrive – in the complex world of remote work.

Wayne is the author of 12 books, including Meet Like You Mean It – A Leader’s Guide to Painless and Productive Virtual Meetings and The Long-Distance Leader – Rules for Remarkable Remote Leadership, which he co-authored with Kevin Eikenberry. He has worked with clients and spoken at conferences around the world, and Marshall Goldsmith has called him “One of the most unique voices in leadership.” Originally from Canada, Wayne now lives and works in Las Vegas.

Connect with Wayne on LinkedIn ⇗.

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
How to be a Good Teammate on a Blended Team

Go beyond this blog on hybrid productivity and join Wayne Turmel, founder of the Remote Leadership Institute in this webinar as we look at the challenges of being a great remote teammate.

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