How Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Build Psychological Safety & Inclusive Work Environments

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How Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Build Psychological Safety & Inclusive Work Environments

How Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Build Psychological Safety & Inclusive Work Environments



Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your emotions as well as the emotions of those around you. It is the cornerstone for diverse work environments and helps to break down barriers and enhance inclusiveness. Individuals bring their own set of ideas, skills, and personalities that diversify discussions within a team. Members of your team will be more willing to share their opinions and concerns when they have the confidence to know their voices will be heard, valued, and considered in all contexts when psychological safety is made a priority. Psychological safety occurs when individuals, teams, and organizations are comfortable and safe enough to be open and honest, and effectively learn, grow, and perform together. 

To sustain a culture with a focus on diversity and inclusion, leaders need to be visible in their organization, accountable for themselves and their team, and champion the necessary skill set for effective change. Leaders who harness the power of emotional intelligence must leverage their skills of empathy, self-awareness, reality testing, and interpersonal relationships to create inclusive teams that are built to succeed. These efforts contribute to greater innovation, enhanced customer satisfaction, and more engaged teams. emotional intelligence helps to build a healthy and more harmonious environment for your organization. 

Join David Cory, President & CEO, of The Emotional Intelligence Training Company Inc, and Carlos Cadogan, a Diversity & Inclusion advocate certified in Emotional Intelligence and Cultural Intelligence, as they discuss the foundations of building and sustaining a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization through emotional and cultural intelligence.  

Founder of MHS, Dr. Steven Stein, is the author and co-author of several books on emotional intelligence including the international best-seller The EQ Edge: Emotional Intelligence and Your Success and is the author of Emotional Intelligence for Dummies. 

Attendees will learn

  • To understand the concept of psychological safety and how it is related to emotional intelligence.
  • To understand how to create an inclusive and psychologically safe atmosphere at work.
  • To understand the role of emotions and cultural intelligence in D&I efforts.
  • To develop strategies to create psychologically safe organizations.
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How Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Build Psychological Safety & Inclusive Work Environments


David Cory, M.A., is a certified coach and the founder of The Emotional Intelligence Training Company Inc., one of the first companies to offer leadership development, assessment, training, and coaching based on the concept of emotional intelligence (1998). David has worked with leaders in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East and all over North America. David has spoken at conferences around the world including the Nexus EQ Conference at the Harvard Medical School and at the Asia HRD Congress in Bahrain, Brunei, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur (x2) and most recently, virtually. 

Carlos Cadogan is an Assessment Consultant for Multi-Health System full-time. He is certified to coach individuals in Emotional Intelligence Change Style, Influence Style, and Resiliency. Carlos passionately supports individuals and organizations to break down barriers and create an inclusive culture for all types of businesses and industries including Fortune 500 organizations, government, and military agencies. He currently works on the Diversity and Inclusion Board for the Town of Stouffville in Ontario Canada and is a mentor for at-risk youths through the Kuppa 

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How Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Build Psychological Safety & Inclusive Work Environments
MHS Beyond Assessments

MHS provides trusted, data-driven solutions across four core disciplines: Clinical, Education, Talent Development, and Public Safety. Science and research are the basis of MHS’s roots and future innovations. With new standards for toolsets, we help clients evaluate, track, and leverage human-centric data to help realize their full potential. We strive for fairness and equity in the development and deployment of the products we make, the solutions we provide, and the people we lead.

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