Courageous Leadership: How to Build Backbone, Boost Performance, and Get Results

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Courageous Leader webinar

Courageous Leadership: How to Build Backbone, Boost Performance, and Get Results



Those that lead with change are indispensable to organizational performance, leadership, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Yet amidst change and uncertainty, many workers turn into safety-seekers, hindering organizational progress. Courage is the first virtue of organizational performance because it’s the lifeblood of leadership, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

We have high and often conflicting expectations of leaders. We want leaders to be reasonable but passionate, decisive but inclusive, visionary but explicit, and powerful but humble, and on top of all that, also be emotionally intelligent, caring, impartial, people-oriented, and financially astute. The list is so long that it often leaves leaders scratching their heads thinking “where on earth do I start?” The answer is to lead with courage. It’s the backbone leaders need to forge the future, face fierce challenges, inspire others, and drive the bottom-line. Important organizational concepts like leadership, innovation, change management, sales, and employee engagement require strong courage.

Join us for Courageous Leadership: How to Build Backbone, Boost Performance, and Get Results, presented by Bill Treasurer. The Courageous Leadership webinar will provide practical strategies for building workforce courage so workers can become opportunity-seekers. A proven approach for leading with courage to improve performance and counteract the negative impacts of workplace fear will be introduced. When everyone is working with more courage, the entire organization is transformed for the better. Research shows that courageous workers seek out leadership opportunities, step up to challenges, offer innovative ideas, passionately embrace change, and are more productive. In short, courageous workers get work done!

Attendees will learn

  • Why courage is the premier personal and professional virtue.
  • To be versed in the distinct types of courage (TRY, TRUST, and TELL) and how to differentiate among them.
  • How to empower and engage people by modulating comfort and discomfort.
  • To clearly differentiate between two different leadership dispositions, Fillers (encouragement) and Spillers (discouragement).
  • To understand how to create an environment that supports ongoing courageous behavior.
  • Tips on how to increase your own courage while inspiring more workplace courage.
  • Specific individual actions and commitments to leading, teaming, and interacting with more courage.
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Courageous Leadership: How to Build Backbone, Boost Performance, and Get Results


Bill Treasurer is founder and chief encouragement officer at Giant Leap Consulting (GLC), a courage-building company that exists to help people and organizations live more courageously.

Bill is considered the originator of the new organizational development practice of “courage-building.” Bill is the author of the internationally bestselling book, Courage Goes to Work. The book provides practical strategies for inspiring more courageous behavior in workplace settings. In 2009, the book became the 6th bestselling management book in China.

Bill is also the author of Courageous Leadership: Using Courage to Transform the Workplace. As a comprehensive off-the-shelf training program, the material is designed to help organizational development practitioners and training professionals inspire more courageous behavior in their organizations. The program has been taught to thousands of leaders in 11 countries on 5 continents.

For over two decades, Bill has designed and delivered leadership and succession planning programs for experienced and emerging leaders for clients such as NASA, Accenture, CNN, Saks Fifth Avenue, Hugo Boss, UBS Bank, Lenovo, the Pittsburgh Pirates, the CDC, the National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

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