Diversity Works: An Interactive Exploration into Diversity Awareness

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HRDQ-U Webinar | Diversity Works

Diversity Works: An Interactive Exploration into Diversity Awareness



The need for businesses to create an inclusive environment and support workplace diversity are more important than ever. Diversity Works leverages the science of learning to create opportunities for conversations that matter. The workshop is designed to get adult learners out of their seats and into station-based activities catered to distinct learning preferences, interaction types, and technology options. Part experiential, part social, and part emotional, the Cafeteria Learning style model encourages learners to explore and absorb content at their own speed and direction. It puts learners in the best position to succeed.

In this one-hour webcast, learn how to create conversations that matter! Attend this session for an overview of Diversity Works and have a chance to ask the designer questions about how this unique, interactive, and learner-centered workshop can work for you.

Attendees will learn

  • How Diversity Works differs from other diversity workshops.
  • Why Diversity Works works!
  • An overview of the 12 activities.
  • How to facilitate Diversity Works.
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Diversity Works: An Interactive Exploration into Diversity Awareness


Jillian Douglas is co-founder and chief learning officer at Idea Learning Group. With more than 20 years of experience in adult education, Jillian has a passion for conceptualizing and delivering operational, managerial, and leadership-focused employee development programs. She also facilitates classroom learning and conducts speaking engagements on a wide variety of topics related to adult learning and development. Jillian is the co-author of the Diversity Works Training Game and the book Let Them Choose: Cafeteria Learning Style for Adults.


Diversity Works Training Game
Diversity Works Training Game

Businesses need to create more inclusive work environments and support workplace diversity. Sometimes that training can become dry and impersonal. On the contrary, Diversity Works is an interactive exploration into diversity awareness that leverages the science of learning to create opportunities for real conversations that matter.

Learn more about the Diversity Works training game.

Related learning

Jillian is the co-author of Let Them Choose: Cafeteria Learning Style for Adults available here.

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