Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

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A man touching a woman's shoulder | Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Webinar

Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

This On-Demand event was originally presented on December 20, 2023 (60 min)


The webinar, Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, is designed to give participants a better understanding of what is and is not permissible concerning people’s behaviors in the workplace. The program defines what is sexual and other forms of harassment, and what to do if participants or a coworker become a victim of this unwanted behavior. Examples and scenarios will be presented depicting different types of sexual harassment and what should be done in these situations. An important theme throughout the program is that regardless of the harasser’s position in the organization, he or she should be held to the same rules and standards concerning sexual harassment as everyone else. How leaders conduct themselves concerning conforming to the established harassment policies in the company can have a major impact on the behaviors of those in their reporting hierarchies. There cannot be a “do as I say, not as I do” prevailing practice throughout the organization. Leaders must set the example for appropriate behavior in their workplaces at all times.

Victims of sexual harassment often fear retaliation for reporting this behavior. It is this fear of retaliation that keeps many victims from reporting this type of inappropriate behavior, especially when it involves their boss or someone in a higher position in the organization. As a result, the percentage of incidents of sexual harassment that go unreported each year is shocking. The various reasons for this occurring will be presented and discussed during the program.

Topics covered include Example Harassment Policies, Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures, Statistics on Workplace Harassment, Percentage of Incidents Reported, Workplace Romances, He Said/She Said Scenarios, Investigating Sexual Harassment Reports, Offensive Emails, Texts, and Tweets, Intent vs. Impact of Sexual Harassment, Retaliation, Who can victims call, Sexual Innuendos, False Accusations, Sexual Harassment to Workplace Violence, Addressing the Needs of Victims, Leadership Role Models, Becoming an Advocate of Sexual Harassment Victims, and Joining the “Me Too” movement.

Even with our world today involving more and more employees working remotely as opposed to reporting to a physical location to work, sexual harassment still continues to exist. Just because they may not physically work together doesn’t mean that the possibility of sexual harassment doesn’t occur. Inappropriate phone calls and conversations, emails, texts, messages, pictures, propositions, questions, references, etc., still can and do exist even in this virtual work environment. Organizations should remain vigilant of the rights of their employees working remotely concerning sexual harassment. Their workplace harassment policies and practices should be updated to ensure that these newer workplace arrangements continue to protect their remote workers from harassment. Employees working remotely need to understand what they can do if they are a victim of sexual harassment and who they can call for help.

Sexual Harassment can be a difficult and sensitive topic to discuss but it is something that all too frequently occurs in many organizations today and can’t be ignored. Recognizing the sensitivity of this subject, it will be presented and discussed in a professional and proactive manner. Participants throughout the program will be asked to share their thoughts on examples and scenarios presented with debrief discussions following. The main objective of this program is to help participants become better informed concerning their individual roles in preventing sexual harassment in their workplace and what actions to take when it occurs. Finally, creating a workplace environment free of harassment of any kind for employees should be the goal of every organization and hopefully this program can help achieve this goal.

Attendees will learn

  • A better understanding of what is sexual harassment and other types of harassment in the workplace.
  • What a victim should do when experiencing sexual harassment.
  • A better understanding 0f the full impact sexual harassment can have on victims of this behavior.
  • The importance of leaders modeling appropriate behaviors in the workplace.
  • That sexual harassment can still continue to exist even for employees working remotely.
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Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

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Peter R. Garber is a retired Human Resource Professional with over 35 years of experience working for a Fortune 200 corporation. During his career, he held a variety of HR roles including assignments at manufacturing facilities across the country and later spent twenty years at the company’s corporate headquarters. He is the author of over 50 books and learning activities on HR and business-related topics. He has been invited to present seminars and webinars on numerous occasions based on his works and has made presentations at international conferences and colleges. Garber was also an adjunct instructor at the University of Pittsburgh Business School.

Garber was responsible for harassment policies for over twenty years in his role as Manager of EEO for the corporation. During that time, he developed and presented training programs on sexual harassment for managers and supervisors in the organization throughout North America for hundreds of employees. He is also the author of the recent book, 50 Activities for Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, published by HRD Press.

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