Overcoming Unnecessary Limitations: What REALLY stalls Coaching and Teambuilding, and How to Fix It

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HRDQ-U Webinars | Overcoming Unnecessary Limitations: What REALLY stalls Coaching and Teambuilding, and How to Fix It

Overcoming Unnecessary Limitations: What REALLY stalls Coaching and Teambuilding, and How to Fix It

This On-Demand event was originally presented on April 27, 2022 (60 min)


What if we’re selling ourselves short?

Coaching, facilitating, and training can be powerful processes, producing substantive shifts in how leaders and managers function individually and engage with teams. But we know there are limits. As experienced practitioners, we’ve all had clients or groups leave an engagement equipped and ready for real change, and then when the rubber meets the road, not much happens. Results evaporate, initiative falls flat, and, at best, the client achieves a small fraction of what seemed possible. Sure, each discipline has tools and approaches to address this challenge: application practice, accountability measures, environmental reviews, and the like. Yet, this still happens regularly. If we’re honest with ourselves, maybe so regularly that over the years, we’ve recalibrated our expectations about how much to expect and in what timeframe. People are only so ready; change takes a certain amount of time, and any one person can only go so far, so fast.

What if we’re wrong? Or better said, what if we’re missing a crucial piece of information that would fundamentally change our ideas about how to set those limits and how much to expect from our clients – and ourselves?

Join bestselling author Ed Muzio as he pulls back the curtain on the real reason interventions often don’t stick – the invisible systemic forces pulling your clients and participants back to their old habits and default approaches the minute they get back to work. Spoiler alert: it’s not habits, it’s not laziness, and it’s not a distraction. It’s also not really a secret. Actually, this has been right in front of our faces since . . . forever. The research behind it goes back 70 years, and the pragmatic implications aren’t news either. You already know, for example, that implementation falters, and problems begin as soon as we throw a person back into the mix with their bosses, coworkers, and direct reports – or throw a team back into their broader organization. What is new, though, is the systems view – a perspective that tells us both why it happens and what we can do to prevent it.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how one boutique consulting firm defines this gravitational pull toward inaction, designs coaching and team building interventions to compensate for it, and addresses it head-on in implementation, creating meaningful individual and cultural shifts in executive teams over weeks and months instead of quarters and years. You’ll get a glimpse into why such a small firm can promise change timeframes to C-level teams that the big firms wouldn’t dream of and how it goes about delivering those results. And, you’ll begin to develop your own language and awareness around something that’s been front-of-mind and, honestly, right in front of you all along. Equipped with a clear picture of the forces at play, you’ll never see your own clients or their struggles to implement the same way again. Plus, you’ll leave with strategies you can apply to your own engagements and clients to increase the effectiveness of the solutions you deliver, which may even cause you to change the most limiting expectations of them all – the ones you’ve placed on yourself.

Attendees will learn

  • About the concept of a “role set” as it pertains to work groups and the pressures they exert on individuals.
  • To compare and contrast role set relationships with those displayed through formal reporting and org chart structures.
  • How role-set pressures form an invisible “net” that creates systemic pressure in favor of the status quo.
  • To review design approaches and principles for coaching, team building, and training that account for and incorporate the “role set net.”
  • To create personal strategies to help adjust/improve your own approaches for better, faster results.
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Overcoming Unnecessary Limitations: What REALLY stalls Coaching and Teambuilding, and How to Fix It


Author Ed Muzio is one of a few management consultants in the world who does systems-level coaching with a CEO or SVP and his/her staff simultaneously, helping executive teams make a cultural shift so significant that it propagates downward into how the organization runs. His work has been hailed for producing substantial results even in the most challenging circumstances, and Ed has been called “one of the planet’s clearest thinkers on management practice” by the editor of an international business magazine. His mantra is “higher output, lower stress, sustainable growth” – a promise central to his company’s mission of creating culture changers – and his books have won Awards of Excellence in the performance improvement field. The most recent, Iteratedescribes a systems approach to execution in leadership and management that pulls from over 70 years of research and practice spanning five academic disciplines and has been successfully implemented over decades, from startups to the Fortune 100.

Originally trained as an engineer, Ed has started organizations large and small, led global initiatives in technology development and employee recruitment, and published articles and papers on a variety of business topics. Ed’s accomplishments include the creation and stewardship of a worldwide manufacturing infrastructure program, a nationally recognized engineering development organization, and a non-profit residential program for at-risk youth.

Connect with Ed on FacebookTwitter, and at www.iteratenow.com.



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One Response

  1. What do you do when a client or team seems ready to make a change, but then it fizzles out?

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