Managing the Cost of Disengagement

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HRDQ-U Webinar | Managing The Cost of Disengagement

Managing the Cost of Disengagement

This On-Demand event was originally presented on January 27, 2016 (60 min)


Unlocking the full potential of your workforce is the cornerstone of sustainable success in today’s competitive landscape.  Engaged employees aren’t just valuable assets – they’re the driving force behind innovation, productivity, and, ultimately, profitability. Successful companies know that employee disengagement is a serious profit killer. In fact, disengagement costs the US economy almost $550 billion per year in lost productivity. It’s a staggering figure that underscores the urgency of addressing this issue head-on. Employee disengagement isn’t merely a buzzword; it’s a profit killer that undermines performance, productivity, and both customer and employee retention.

As businesses embark on a trajectory of growth, they must safeguard against disengagement. That’s why we invite you to join us for an enlightening webcast featuring Dr. Nicole Lipkin, a renowned authority in organizational psychology. Dr. Lipkin will delve into the tangible costs of disengagement to your organization and equip you with actionable strategies to mitigate its adverse effects. Don’t let employee disengagement stifle your company’s potential – empower your team and ignite a culture of engagement for sustained success.

Attendees will learn

  • The financial and organizational consequences of disengagement.
  • The factors that build engagement.
  • How to prevent the two most common causes of employee and customer disengagement.
  • How to apply the SLAM! Model to strengthen your engagement strategies.
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Managing the Cost of Disengagement


Dr. Nicole Lipkin is an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, and the author of the two popular business books What Keeps Leaders Up At Night: Recognizing and Resolving Your Most Troubling Management Issues and Y In the Workplace: Managing the “Me First” GenerationAs a business psychologist, her goal is to help companies develop resonant, motivational, and powerful leaders.

After years in corporate America developing and implementing leadership programming and training, Nicole founded Equilibria Leadership Consulting in 2007. This is an international firm based in the US focused on helping companies, leaders, and teams improve management and leadership skills, strengthen the leadership pipeline, and develop behaviors and practices that help increase organizational resilience and sustainability. She also founded Equilibria Psychological and Consultation Services in 2004, a mid-sized group psychology practice located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Nicole is a regular contributor to the broadcast community and has been featured on NPR, NBC, CBS, Fox Business News,,,, New York Times Magazine, and numerous other media outlets both nationally and internationally.



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