Managing Conflict at Work: Effective Strategies for Successful Resolution

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Managing Conflict at Work: Effective Strategies for Successful Resolution

Managing Conflict at Work: Effective Strategies for Successful Resolution

This On-Demand event was originally presented on August 15, 2018 (60 min)


Conflict is an ever-present force, weaving its way through all facets of our lives, whether personal or professional. It has the potential to disrupt harmony within an organization, but it need not be a destructive force. In fact, when approached with the right tools and strategies, managing conflict at work and home can be a catalyst for positive change. It can spark creativity, pave the way for better problem-solving, and foster stronger, more resilient relationships. The key lies in comprehending the nuances of conflict management, knowing when to apply specific strategies, and effectively harnessing its transformative power.

This interactive session promises to be an invaluable learning experience where you will gain the insights and skills needed to navigate the complex terrain of conflict management successfully.

Our knowledgeable presenter Jennifer Nickisher is a seasoned expert in the field of conflict resolution. With her guidance, we will embark on a journey into the intricate world of conflict. Throughout this webinar, you’ll discover the three most typical types of conflict that arise in various professional settings. More importantly, you’ll uncover the five strategic approaches to effectively manage these conflicts, transforming them from potential stumbling blocks into stepping stones toward growth and development.

This webinar is based on the popular HRDQstore training resource, Conflict Strategies Inventory. This inventory improves your ability to handle conflict in the workplace by practicing and improving your conflict resolution strategies in real-life scenarios.

Attendees will learn

  • Pinpoint one’s preferred strategy for managing conflict at work.
  • Discover the five different ways people respond to conflict.
  • Understand how and when to utilize the integrating strategy.
  • Learn and practice when to use alternative strategies for managing conflict at work.
  • Create a development plan to put the learning into action.
SHRM Recertification Provider Logo
HRDQ-U is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDC) for SHRM-CP®️ or SHRM-SCP®️ recertification activities.
Managing Conflict at Work: Effective Strategies for Successful Resolution

Special offers from our sponsor

Conflict Strategies Inventory

This training tool explores five different conflict strategies: integrating, compromising, competing, smoothing, and avoiding. Most importantly, it accurately identifies one’s typical reaction to conflict, examines the potential outcomes associated with each strategy, encourages the use of more effective tactics, and provides skill practice in resolving day-to-day issues.

Don’t let unresolved conflicts become a roadblock! Learn effective strategies to resolve past, present, and future conflicts.

Take 15% OFF this course with code RESOLVECONFLICT


Jennifer Nickisher is an author and Marketing Coach at One Source Marketing Institute.

Available on Amazon


Managing Conflict at Work: Effective Strategies for Successful Resolution

Training Tools for Developing Great People Skills

This event is sponsored by HRDQ. For 45 years HRDQ has provided research-based, off-the-shelf soft-skills training resources for classroom, virtual, and online training. From assessments and workshops to experiential hands-on games, HRDQ helps organizations improve performance, increase job satisfaction, and more.

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