Leading Change at Every Level

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Leading Change at Every Level | HRDQ-U Webinar

Leading Change at Every Level



Change is here to stay; there’s no doubt about it. But in today’s empowered workplace, leading organizational change has, well, changed. What was once the role of senior management is now the day-to-day responsibility of individuals throughout the organization, from the execs at the top of the pyramid to the frontline employees at the base.

And that’s good news. Why? Because studies show that leading organizational change efforts are more successful when they’re implemented by the people they impact most. Regardless of authority or position, the ability to champion change has become a key factor in professional and organizational performance. Leading Change at Every Level is the combination self-assessment and training workshop that measures skill level and develops the five behaviors of effective change leaders: modeling the change, communicating about the change, involving others in the change, helping others break from the past, and creating a supportive environment for change.

Attendees will learn

  • Understand why change initiatives fail and how to ensure their success.
  • Review steps to actively lead change efforts.
  • Recognize how change may be viewed by others.
  • Identify techniques for increasing and gaining commitment to the change.
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HRDQ-U is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDC) for SHRM-CP®️ or SHRM-SCP®️ recertification activities.
Leading Change at Every Level


Alberta Lloyd Co-Founded and was Vice President of Coleman Management Consultants, Inc., (CMC), based in Atlanta, Georgia from 1980 until August 2013. The firm worked with organizations to assist in utilizing their human resources to their full potential. Over the years Ms. Lloyd provided services such as specialized training for women and/or minority professionals, diversity awareness and skills training, and personal empowerment training for executives, managers, and the general employee population. She conducted employee opinion surveys, and worked with Diversity Councils and Affinity groups within organizations. As needed, she completed Mediation services and was trained in the facilitation of Coaching and Learning Circles to teach the skills of Peer Coaching. She also provided individual and group coaching for over one hundred high-potential employees in one organization.



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