The Top 5 Webinars of 2023

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The Top 5 Webinars of 2023

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This year, 22,778 people attended our webinars presented by leading experts, all inspired to help you take on change, implement strategies for growth, learn how to be even more inclusive, communicate more effectively, lead with confidence, and be driven change-makers both personally and professionally. With all of these skills (and more) that were delivered, let’s take a look at the top 5 most popular webinars from 2023.

#5 The Next Frontier of Emotional Intelligence: Rewiring the Brain

The Next Frontier of Emotional Intelligence: Rewiring the Brain webinarThis webinar dives deep into the significance of emotional intelligence (EI) in leadership and employee effectiveness, and emphasizes its common prioritization in organizations. However, it criticizes traditional EI developmental efforts for treating it merely as a skill-based ability rather than recognizing it as a neural-based ability. The Next Frontier of Emotional Intelligence: Rewiring the Brain explores the next frontier of EI thought leadership with the goal of facilitating meaningful improvements in organizations’ emotional intelligence.


#4 Workplace Wellness that Works for Everyone

Workplace Wellness that Works for Everyone webinarCulture, when carefully designed, is identified as the critical factor differentiating success from failure, engagement from alienation, and joy from drudgery. Workplace Wellness that Works for Everyone offers participants a fresh perspective on promoting employee well-being, providing tangible tools and immediate takeaways to initiate positive change in employees’ health and happiness with actionable insights into overcoming behavioral obstacles.



#3 Mind-blowing PowerPoint. No, Really!

Mind-blowing PowerPoint. No, Really! webinarMind-blowing PowerPoint. No, Really! aims to empower participants to become PowerPoint design legends by teaching how to transform the typical dull PowerPoint presentation into a mind-blowing experience with techniques for effective slide layout, consistent application, and audience-focused content. The discussion covers what makes a good slide, the importance of visuals in storytelling, and advanced techniques for visual storytelling.



#2 From Conflict to Connection: Handling Difficult Behaviors in Tough Conversations

From Conflict to Connection: Handling Difficult Behaviors in Tough Conversations webinar

This webinar addresses the difficulty of hard conversations and how they are exacerbated by challenging behaviors that can derail the interaction. From Conflict to Connection: Handling Difficult Behaviors in Tough Conversations offers expert tips and strategies to confront these behaviors directly, diffuse tension, and establish rapport. Participants aim to learn the methods to prevent these negative behaviors and proven techniques to navigate challenging interactions confidently.



#1 Strategies and Tactics to Navigate Difficult Conversations with Confidence

Strategies and Tactics to Navigate Difficult Conversations with Confidence webinarThis webinar emphasizes that difficult conversations are unavoidable, but the associated anxiety and stress can be managed effectively. While the skills for handling conflict are straightforward, the key lies in mastering the “inner game,” which involves understanding one’s beliefs about conflict, managing personal responses to emotions, and handling others’ emotions. Strategies and Tactics to Navigate Difficult Conversations with Confidence aims to provide skills for confidently communicating and asserting yourself in challenging situations.


These were the top 5 webinars of 2023 among the many webinars featuring pertinent topics that were organized by HRDQ-U and delivered by renowned and inspiring professionals throughout the year. Thank you to all who participated in HRDQ-U’s webinar series this year. We look forward to your continued engagement with us at for more captivating learning content in 2024!

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