Profound Leadership through Emotional Awareness

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Profound Leadership through Emotional Awareness

Profound Leadership through Emotional Awareness

This On-Demand event was originally presented on October 25, 2023 (60 min)


The evidence is clear. Leaders are suffering from stress and depression, and even suicide is at higher rates than ever. These emerging signs, however, aren’t the most troubling issue. In fact, the deeper concern is that these possible future crises can be avoided by addressing important aspects, rather than deficits, of leadership,  commonly approached as trainable skills. Social-emotional learning for leaders promotes listening to your gut and following your instinct and overlays “operational” tactics as the solution. This specific training assumes we are working with a “clean canvas.” Yet we know three out of four leaders have yet to reach adulthood without needing to adapt to negative life events.

What if a leader’s instincts are wrong?

Through storytelling, this session is designed to reveal a plainspoken, direct methodology to go deep into leaders’ minds to discover the hard-wired neurological patterns that have created one or many unhelpful instincts that result in default modes they cannot escape. These subconscious handcuffs create gaps in effectiveness. The presentation highlights how unhelpful instincts are formed, how to identify them, and what steps are needed to resolve them for profound and lasting success, personally and professionally, as community leaders and corporate mentors.

Attendees will learn

  • Why we can’t always trust our instincts and the impact of social-emotional learning.
  • The signs and symptoms of unresolved trauma that limit leadership effectiveness.
  • The mechanisms that lock in instincts as subconscious patterns, subvert success,  and limit human potential.
  • Methodologies to introduce deeper social-emotional learning within all corporate levels, from C-Suite to front-line employees.
  • Simple, effective steps to improve mental and emotional health tactically and foundational through social-emotional learning.
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Profound Leadership through Emotional Awareness

Special offers from our sponsor

Peak Performance – A Deep Dive into Enhancing Your Leadership Ability Course

This course is designed for executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, thought and business industry leaders:

This three-part, one-session workshop will inspire you. This leadership session is geared to help you learn ways to improve performance in life while stepping up as leaders at work, at home, and in the community. This workshop is broken down into three sections that will ignite your mind and inspire you to become a more informed and capable leader.

Course Testimonial:

 “It was an awesome presentation, and I think our members definitely had some positive takeaways. Also, what an inspiring and motivating story. I think it’s incredible you are sharing your story and able to help others break down the walls that hold us back.” – Alicia MacGregor Administrative Coordinator, Events and Member Services, Squamish Chamber of Commerce.

Free Discovery Call
For Corporations and their C-Suite executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, including thought and business industry leadership teams, speak with Mike directly to learn if his program is right for you or your organization.

Book your Free Discovery Call today! 

Exclusive Offer
Register during this special promotion* and get $800 off this course with discount code: HRDQATTENDEE

Register for the course today! 

* Discount available 10/25/23 – 10/31/23, contact Mike for any questions.


Mike Skrypnek is the CEO of Grow GET Give Coaching, Founder of the UNLimited WORTH Project, and Executive Director of the UNLimited WORTH Society. He is also an international bestseller of nine books, a keynote speaker, a men’s mental health advocate, a podcast host, and a sought-after business strategist who has shared his insights and wisdom with thousands of passionate, purpose-driven industry leaders.

Mike’s work ignites passion as he helps industry leaders make their cosmic ripple. This impact extends through generations. Healing our past traumas and reforming our subconscious patterns allow us to realize our UNLimited WORTH. When we do, we enjoy happiness, success, and love.

Mike lives, loves, and adventures with his wife, Sherri, and their two young adult children, Madison and Coen, in the beautiful Sea-to-Sky corridor of British Columbia, Canada. You can find them skiing, snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking, paddle boarding, and more in the mountains and on the rivers and ocean just minutes from home, in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Connect with Mike on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Available on Amazon

Unlimited worth through social-emotional learning book

Grow get give life book about social-emotional learning

Big impact giving book about social-emotional learning


Profound Leadership through Emotional Awareness
The UNLimited WORTH

Grow, Get, Give, Coaching: The UNLimited WORTH Project

The UNLimited WORTH Project was established to guide leaders to look deeper into those recurring patterns to act and remove subconscious limitations that will unlock their potential. We do this bravely and directly with informed, professional, non-judgmental, expert instruction in a risk-free environment.

Learn more at UNLimited WORTH

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