The Practice of Leadership Empathy within the Workplace

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The Practice of Leadership Empathy

The Practice of Leadership Empathy within the Workplace

This On-Demand event was originally presented on August 2, 2023 (60 min)


We ALL long to be witnessed in our uniqueness, valued in our identity, and fully heard in our stories. We want to be and feel included in meaningful experiences that acknowledge our self-definition while being in the community. Essentially, we all want and need empathy for our basic survival. We are learning, against prevailing wisdom, that human nature is not to seek mere autonomy but to be in companionship with others. Thus, the necessary maneuver is to try to translate this human component within our work environments to ignite a spirit of creativity, innovation, and growth.

Please join Lisa Obianuju-Ike Alvarez as she walks you through this thought-stimulating session. You will learn how to leverage empathy in your work contexts to help you understand your employees well enough to work with them, communicate better, meet their needs with improved self-awareness, and connect across differences.

Attendees will learn

  • To understand their emotional range and how this un/awareness may affect their employees’ work performance.
  • To acknowledge the benefits of extending empathy to their teams in order to promote an enriching and emotionally healthy work environment.
  • How to accurately identify the emotions of their employees so their response is thoughtful and emotionally sensitive.
  • Divergent ways of responding empathetically to their employees to ensure they are acting in alignment with their needs.
  • To become encouraged to build authentic and meaningful relationships with their teams.
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The Practice of Leadership Empathy within the Workplace

Special offers from our sponsor

Conflict Management Workshop – Now 15% Off using the code below!

“Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.”
– William Ellery Channing

Conflict is messy. We know this, acknowledge it, and are humbled by its necessity and proximity to our humanity. We believe that conflict is natural and is purposeful in moving us closer to the depths of another – their passions, cares, vulnerabilities, and all else that makes them genuine and uniquely imperfect.

At The EMOTIVE Lab, we facilitate an interior process in which teams become trained to diagnose and re-evaluate their own perception of conflict, making room for curiosity, empathy, and more mindful ways to connect across differences.

In this Conflict Management Workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Increase your capacity for engaging with conflict through introspection, group process, and embodied practices.
  • Assess, adjust, and identify conflict introjections to understand your resistance towards conflict and how this barrier impacts relationships and the repair process.
  • Develop skills and norms for supporting conflict resolution that leverage a whole-person approach-including the behavior, personal narratives, and the system in which you are working.

Receive 15% off the Conflict Management Workshop OR 1 free 50-min Coaching session from our 5-month Leadership Coaching Package

Code: 1888EMOTIVELAB2023

Please share this code in the “message” portion of the contact form


Lisa Obianuju-Ike Alvarez is an educator, life coach, and group facilitator with ten years of training, counseling, and consulting experience. She is recognized for her unique approach to problem-solving and facilitating authentic and purposeful dialogue. She is a champion of and for the voices of the marginalized and possesses refined skills in helping individuals seek purpose from their daily regime.

As an intuitive leader, Lisa Is committed to helping individuals live and work with intention and challenge the self that prohibits appropriate risk-taking and completion of duty. She appreciates the shared journey of learning, exploring, and transforming with her clients.

Lisa holds a BA in psychology, an MA in counseling psychology, and a PsyD in organizational development. Her academic acquisitions and professional advancements illustrate her strive for people excellence and desire for lasting learning and change.


The Practice of Leadership Empathy within the Workplace
Our movement at The Emotive Lab is to create a workplace that celebrates and nourishes the Full Human Experience. We believe employee actualization can be fully realized and supported by leaders who have the willingness and ability to connect across differences for the purpose of inspiring and empowering the lives of their teams. We deliver engaging experiences to solve a host of problems and improve the ways in which your teams work together.

Learn more at


Training Tools for Developing Great People Skills

This event is sponsored by HRDQ. For 45 years HRDQ has provided research-based, off-the-shelf soft-skills training resources for classroom, virtual, and online training. From assessments and workshops to experiential hands-on games, HRDQ helps organizations improve performance, increase job satisfaction, and more.

Learn more at

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The Practice of Leadership Empathy within the Workplace

“This really empowered me to continue mindfulness and empathetic management practices.”

– Jesus O.

The Practice of Leadership Empathy within the Workplace

“I love HRDQ sessions. They are a quick way, over my lunch hour, to keep my HR skills and knowledge fresh.”

– Andrea D.

The Practice of Leadership Empathy within the Workplace

“I enjoyed the presentation and it really got me to thinking about interactions within my own office setting”

– Tonjia B.


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