Leading Hybrid Teams

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Leading Hybrid Teams

Leading Hybrid Teams

This On-Demand event was originally presented on February 23, 2023 (60 min)


Robbie, working remotely, can’t find the current process map his team is developing, and when he sends an instant message and then a phone call to the team lead, there is no response, so he sits and frustratingly waits. Does this sound familiar?

There are benefits to remote and hybrid work, from the flexibility of time for life and living to managing the well-being needs of self and others, including child/elder care. The key to performance success with hybrid teams is to create clear expectations around communications, timeframes, and shared resources and to communicate them actively among all teammates. Creating a culture of open conversations, curiosity, and trust in the intentions of everyone, regardless of location and time, is the framework hybrid teams require to work effectively and efficiently with each other.

Research and our personal experience have shown trust is a key factor in team performance and by extension, in organizational performance. As COVID-19 brought about a sudden shift to hybrid and virtual collaboration, the need for trust-building in new ways was seen. In this session, we will explore how you can foster trust and develop the communication and workflow process techniques needed within your hybrid and virtual team.

Attendees will learn

  • How to describe what a hybrid team is in terms of people and place.
  • Five key process techniques used in creating performance success for hybrid teams.
  • Six key questions to use in determining whether to have in-person events.
  • Two modes of communication and four modes of information needed to benefit the hybrid employee.
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Leading Hybrid Teams

Special offer from our presenter

Ryan Consulting helps organizations develop high-performing people with learning and performance solutions that align with their goals. We focus on enhancing engagement and retention by improving people, processes, and platforms that shape the business culture and improve business results.

We start by defining what success looks like for your organization and how we’ll measure it. Then, we’ll dive deep into your current processes and future growth plans to identify opportunities for strategically integrating learning into key workflows. This will support and enhance individual performance. The end result? A strategic roadmap that meets your immediate needs while also planning for future talent development – all built on a foundation of accountability and a well-defined people strategy centered on achieving business results.

Email Bill at bill@williamjryan.com and mention HRDQ-U for a free 1-hour consultation.


William (Bill) Ryan, Ph.D., is the founder and principal consultant with Ryan Consulting, LLC, using learning as a strategic business tool to develop and impact people to improve retention, engagement, and performance. Bill has a demonstrated record of corporate and industrial management experience leading performance support and instructional design teams globally, including government (Dept. of Energy), high technology (IBM & Westinghouse), and health-related industries, including home health care and insurance (Humana).

Recent client work included developing a strategy on a page (SOAP) as well as a leadership development plan for a national financial firm, a comprehensive talent staffing and development plan for a manufacturing concern, an implementation strategy for a Hiring for Competency model used by the National Retail Services, and a state initiative focused on workforce development helping businesses retain and develop employees. Additional work has supported a clinical start-up focused on improved neonatal techniques for clinicians across the country and a blended leadership and coaching program for a multi-state manufacturing concern.

Bill holds an MS from Ithaca College focused on instructional design and a Ph.D. in computing technology in education from Nova Southeastern University.

For more information, please visit his website at www.williamjryan.com or contact him via email at bill@williamjryan.com or by phone at (502) 797-2479.



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