Devin C. Hughes

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Devin C. Hughes

Devin C. Hughes is an author, speaker, consultant, executive coach, and internationally recognized expert in the science of happiness, organizational/culture change, and leadership development. He has lectured and worked with a variety of Fortune 100 companies, as well as the Secret Service, the IRS, and an assortment of profit and nonprofit organizations. Devin is the author of 20 books and has lectured in more than 15 countries. He lives in San Diego, California, with his wife, four daughters, and two rescue dogs.

Connect with Devin on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and at

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The Gratitude Effect – learn how to operationalize gratitude and recognition in your workplace to fuel engagement, retention, and ROI.
Understand the science of happiness and become an optimistic leader! Learn how to motivate your team and create an effective self-care plan.
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Leaders set the tone – discover the impact of positive leadership on your team and organization, and learn how to create a culture of positive leadership.
Discover how you can build a strong foundation of work habits to improve your psychological capital, productivity, and overall performance.
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