Ready, Set, Go: xAPI Implementation in Your L&D Ecosystem

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Ready, Set, Go: xAPI Implementation in Your L&D Ecosystem Webinar

Ready, Set, Go: xAPI Implementation in Your L&D Ecosystem

This On-Demand event was originally presented on January 10, 2024 (60 min)


You’ve heard about xAPI for years, and your organization is calling for a data-driven strategy across every function and department. Every step on your xAPI journey is a source of learning at the same time that it builds the buy-in and credibility to take on the next step—so you want to get it right! As you lead your organization into an xAPI implementation, let’s explore the strategies, relationships, tools, and skills you’ll need to take this on.

Implementing xAPI requires a strategic mindset, a willingness to learn and adapt, and a deep understanding of your organization’s learning ecosystem along with the technical know-how. Our session begins by navigating the implementation roadmap, providing a detailed exploration across five stages of maturity. This roadmap is not just a theoretical framework; it’s a proven path walked by organizations that have successfully built an xAPI foundation for their L&D strategies. By learning from these real-world examples, participants will gain valuable insights into the challenges and triumphs of implementing xAPI.

We’ll start with a look at the key pieces of technical infrastructure needed in your learning ecosystem, from authoring tools and data sources, to the learning record store, your LMS, and your analytics platform. As solution providers build out their offerings to meet your needs, what can you expect out of the box, and what will you need to customize?

A crucial aspect of xAPI implementation is the development of the L&D team. We’ll discuss the types of skills needed on the team and where to get them, including free and low-cost learning opportunities, online communities, and what you can expect from your vendor partners.

Finally, we’ll provide access to a number of free tools for learning designers & developers for data profile management and testing your LMS’s true xAPI capabilities.

Attendees will learn

  • Make a case for implementing xAPI on your team
  • Identify where on the xAPI implementation roadmap you are and what’s ahead
  • Create a plan for evaluating and selecting technology components of an xAPI-based learning ecosystem
  • Prepare to upskill the L&D team in the critical skills needed for an xAPI implementation
  • Plan for the budget and resources you’ll need
  • Access free tools for developers
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Ready, Set, Go: xAPI Implementation in Your L&D Ecosystem

Special offers from our sponsor

xAPI Hands-On Learning & Application – HOLA! Workshop

The Hands-On Learning & Application (HOLA!) Workshop covers everything from the basics of What is xAPI? to Building an xAPI Roadmap for your organization. Along the way, learners will brainstorm business questions that can be answered with learning data, create an xAPI-enabled prototype, and explore data within a Learning Record Store (LRS). Lessons include both passive (e.g., video, written content) and active (e.g., chat/reflection questions, interactive Storyline) learning activities in an easy-to-use learning platform.

This experience is facilitator-guided, but it also includes a cohort-like, “we’re in this together,” interactive learning experience. If you are newer to xAPI, get ready to get your feet wet and get hands-on with exercises, templates, and activities that will have you building your first xAPI-enabled prototype in a few weeks. Experts from TorranceLearning will be actively monitoring the experience and contributing insights as you progress—providing guidance to answer questions and prompting deeper engagement with the content and concepts.

Use code HOLA-HRDQ-10 for 10% off when registering for this 9-week workshop!



Megan Torrance is the CEO and founder of TorranceLearning, connecting learning strategy to design, development, data, and, ultimately, performance. Megan has over 25 years of experience in learning design, deployment, and consulting. Megan and the TorranceLearning team are passionate about sharing what works, so they devote considerable time to teaching and sharing about Agile project management for learning design, racial equity, and xAPI & learning analytics.

Megan is the author of Agile for Instructional Designers, Data & Analytics for Instructional Designers, and the W.I.S.E. A.T. A.I. framework. She is also a facilitator with eCornell’s Women’s Executive Leadership certificate and courses in virtual teaming, team leadership and communication, and an adjunct instructor in instructional design at Penn State University.

Available on Amazon


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TorranceLearning is a full-stack learning services firm, supporting workplace learning from strategy to custom design & development all the way through custom software, xAPI deployment, and learning analytics. We do things differently! We thrive on adapting to changing needs throughout a project as a way to harness innovation & curiosity for the learner’s benefit.


Training Tools for Developing Great People Skills

This event is sponsored by HRDQ. For 45 years HRDQ has provided research-based, off-the-shelf soft-skills training resources for classroom, virtual, and online training. From assessments and workshops to experiential hands-on games, HRDQ helps organizations improve performance, increase job satisfaction, and more.

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