More Turbulent Change

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More Turbulent Change

More Turbulent Change

This On-Demand event was originally presented on July 26, 2023 (60 min)


In today’s ever-evolving world, organizations are changing at a phenomenal pace. These changes are not isolated events but rather have a wide range of factors. These various factors could include new management or leadership, acquisitions, economic recession or inflation, new regulations or laws, the introduction of new technology, market shifts, world events, politics, pandemics, and endless other contributing factors. As soon as one change concludes, another emerges, taking different forms and bearing various names like reorganizations, downsizing, rightsizing, realignments, streamlining, and more. Despite the diverse labels, the outcome of change remains consistent. Learning how effectively managing change in organizations can make a large difference in your success personally and professionally.

People’s careers and, ultimately, their lives are affected one way or another. Change doesn’t always have to mean that people will be upset by its introduction. Change can bring positive new ways of doing business that make life easier and better for everyone involved. But change can also cause people to experience great anxiety and frustration as what they are used to and comfortable with is replaced by something very unfamiliar, even frightening.

In our information-focused world, the faster pace of communications will create even more rapid changes than in the past. In recent years, we have seen many new and innovative ways to receive and send information, making our world even more connected and virtual every day. The news of change spreads like wildfire with these new communications tools each year. Today, we can share information with others in seconds rather than what once took days, weeks, or longer. Personal computers, bluetooth devices, voicemail systems, satellite dishes, electronic mail, messaging systems, the Internet, Intranets, and social media’s huge popularity have completely changed how we do business and communicate with one another. No matter how remote a location or part of the organization is, they can be online and keep updated on everything happening in real-time. All of this is enabling the rate of change to accelerate every day.

Regardless of how you may be personally affected, there are ways in which you can learn to better cope with managing changes in organizations and even welcome change, not just survive it. This webinar will help attendees learn many of the skills they will need to continue to be successful in our world of constant and often turbulent change.

Attendees will learn

  • To better understand change and the impact it can have on their lives.
  • How to lead in managing change in organizations.
  • How employees feel about change and how to help them accept change in the future.
  • The importance of effective communication during times of change in an organization.
  • To recognize and even predict future change.
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More Turbulent Change


Peter Garber is a retired human resource professional with over 35 years of experience working for a Fortune 200 corporation. During his career, he held a variety of HR roles, including assignments at manufacturing facilities across the country, and later spent twenty years at the company’s corporate headquarters. He is the author of over 50 books and learning activities on HR and business-related topics. He has been frequently invited to present seminars and webinars, including international conferences and colleges, based on his works. Mr. Garber was also an adjunct instructor at the University of Pittsburgh Business School.

Mr. Garber has written two books on change – Turbulent Change and a follow-up book, More Turbulent Change, published by the Association for Talent Development (ATD). This presentation on change is one of his most popular programs.



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Everyone is talking about HRDQ-U webinars!

More Turbulent Change

“A must-have webinar for employees who are resistant or hesitant when encountering change in the workplace.”

– Martha A.

More Turbulent Change

“Very insightful, and a great breakdown on the change process, as well as how to make the transition smooth.”

– Chris A.

More Turbulent Change

“The ‘Worry Log’ Peter shared will be a great tool to use personally and with my team. Thank you for the ideas on ways to navigate change!”

– Konnie B.


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