Accomplishment-Based Talent Development: Focus on Employees’ Valuable Contributions

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Accomplishment-Based Talent Development: Focus on Employees' Valuable Contributions webinar

Accomplishment-Based Talent Development: Focus on Employees’ Valuable Contributions

This On-Demand event was originally presented on January 11, 2023 (60 min)


You will learn about the origin and evolution of accomplishment-based performance improvement, based on the work of Thomas F. Gilbert in his groundbreaking book, Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance. The webinar will highlight how a focus on accomplishments – the valuable products of people’s behavior – differs from traditional approaches to talent management that focus on skills, knowledge, behavior, or competencies, and how an accomplishment-based approach can drive more effective and measurable strategies and tactics for improving organizational and individual performance. You’ll learn about an end-to-end accomplishment-based talent development model for hiring, onboarding, coaching, training, and continuous development that improves our ability to define and measure performance and connects people’s daily work to the success of the organization. Talent acquisition and development efforts often suffer from a lack of clarity about performance expectations.
When we define jobs by the work outputs they contribute to the organization, including deliverables, decisions, relationships, transactions, agreements, new ideas, prototypes, and so on, it’s easier to define at each stage what we need people to produce or achieve. We can more easily create behavioral interviewing questions and performance tests, onboard new employees based on the contributions we need them to master during their first weeks and months on the job, train them with accomplishments as objectives, coach and mentor them for continuous improvement in the value they deliver to the organization, and make decisions about compensation, promotion, and career path moves.
This clarity not only can improve the productivity of individuals and groups, but can also help optimize their engagement and job satisfaction by making every day an opportunity for development and by connecting employees through their contributions on a clear line-of-sight to results for the whole organization. Beyond accomplishment-based hiring, onboarding, and training, coaching becomes a critical engine for continuous development. As described in a notable Harvard Business Review article in 2018 called, “HR Goes Agile,” many of the organizations known for the development of people rely on a regular cadence of coaching by which employees and their managers focus on continuous improvement. When that coaching is a collaborative effort enabling individuals to better achieve or produce the contributions (accomplishments) that are most important at the time – for the business, for upcoming projects, for their own career development, and so on – it becomes a tangible, ongoing process of development and recognition for delivering new and improved contributions. Such an approach offers the promise of creating an organizational culture focused on continuous performance improvement.

Attendees will learn

  • The origins of accomplishment-based performance improvement.
  • How to describe the valuable accomplishments that employees make to their organizations.
  • The clear distinction between accomplishments and behavior for producing them.
  • How accomplishments enable managers to connect their employees to organizational results.
  • How a focus on accomplishments can strengthen each stage of the talent development lifecycle.
  • The impact of collaborative accomplishment-based coaching on continuous talent development.
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Accomplishment-Based Talent Development: Focus on Employees’ Valuable Contributions

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Our partnership with HRDQ-U comes with a discount for three of our most popular Performance Thinking® programs and services – based on our model voted “the best performance model in the world” in 2022 by members of the International Society for Performance Improvement.


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Dr. Carl Binder, CEO of The Performance Thinking Network, began as a behavior scientist, one of B.F. Skinner’s last graduate student at Harvard. He spent the 1970s conducting research, training teachers, and consulting with educational and human service organizations across North America, with a focus on fluency-based instruction. Shifting to corporate training in 1982, he joined the International Society for Performance Improvement, where he met Tom Gilbert, Geary Rummler, Joe Harless, Roger Kaufman, and other performance improvement pioneers, who proved to be generous mentors. Founder of four consulting firms, he has continued to refine performance improvement models and methods, partnering with clients and stakeholders, developing performance consultants, and teaching leaders and managers to contribute to continuous improvement. Over 40+ years, Carl has developed what is known as Performance Thinking®, a powerful but flexible accomplishment-based performance improvement methodology that his firm certifies others to apply in programs for different organizational roles. Adopted by clients on six continents, Performance Thinking has built a global community of practice. Carl has published several dozen articles and chapters, spoken at events worldwide, and received four Lifetime Achievement awards from the American Psychological Association, The International Society for Performance Improvement, the OBM Network, and the Standard Celeration Society.



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This event is sponsored by HRDQ. For 45 years HRDQ has provided research-based, off-the-shelf soft-skills training resources for classroom, virtual, and online training. From assessments and workshops to experiential hands-on games, HRDQ helps organizations improve performance, increase job satisfaction, and more.

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Accomplishment-Based Talent Development: Focus on Employees’ Valuable Contributions

“This session very much raised my awareness of the differences between competency based performance vs the output of what we are trying to achieve. Do we have the right people doing the jobs they were employed to do? Have we defined their roles correctly? This session has enticed me to want to find out more.”

– Sandra C.

Accomplishment-Based Talent Development: Focus on Employees’ Valuable Contributions

“You are the best. I encouraged my team to register with HRDQ-U webinars as they need.”

– Anneke K.

Accomplishment-Based Talent Development: Focus on Employees’ Valuable Contributions

” The presenter gave great ideas about accomplishment-based performance, development, and measurement, particularly how it might produce better results than competency models.”

– Brian C.


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