Quality Feedback

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Quality Feedback

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Right at the moment you give someone feedback, often the last thing you’re thinking of is how you would feel if you received this information in the way it is delivered.

Safety in giving quality feedback means first, starting with how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of it: private, behavior-focused, supportive, and solution-to-action-focused!

"The quality of feedback should be judged not on what is transmitted but on what is received and applied." by James Nottingham

Recommended training from HRDQ-U

How Leaders Can Increase Performance, Motivate and Engage Their Hybrid Team

What Is Quality Feedback?

Think of the last time you received feedback:

  • Was it a bit tough to hear?
  • Was it a bit rough and rude?
  • Was it constructive and supportive?
  • Was it private or in front of the team?


Can you pinpoint what worked well and what didn’t go so well?

Aspects of Quality Feedback

Feedback is given in order to improve a process or outcome or encourage the continuation of a positive behavior. Quality feedback is delivered – actually it’s more like facilitated – in such a way as to achieve this. Managers need to first, be clear about what feedback they want or need to give. Maybe start by asking yourself, what is it that I want to achieve by giving the feedback (outcome focused)?

During a feedback skills workshop, Ahmed realized that he had been giving feedback in all the wrong ways. He may have been a bit tough on himself, but I do credit him for realizing that he’s jumped into feedback conversations while still frustrated or angry, which led him to berate rather than have a conversation. He also admitted to liking the sound of his own voice and the level of authority he can hear in his tone. It came as no surprise that he could connect high staff turnover to his own performance of managing and leading his team.

"People leave managers, not companies." by Marcus Buckingham

When feedback is required, consider the place, words, tone and context in which to deliver the feedback. If you are angry or frustrated, that’s your cue to keep your mouth shut and focus on calming down first.

This is a helpful slogan:

Emotion High = Logic Low

Calm High = Logic High

Even if a manager doesn’t care what the employee thinks or how they feel, poor feedback continually given leads to, or at least contributes to toxic culture, low staff morale, decrease in productivity, and increased staff turnover.

Quick Quality Feedback Checklist

  • Specific
  • Timely
  • Solutions and behavior focused and not a personal attack
  • Done in an appropriate place
  • Allows for open, honest, two-way communication
  • Based on respect


Start with this checklist, and above all else, start being calm and with a mindset of being helpful.

Sally Foley-Lewis smiling
Sally Foley-Lewis

Sally Foley-Lewis helps managers be high-performing, purposeful, and productive. Obsessed with boosting productivity and self-leadership that ensures people reach their potential, Sally positively impacts your results, confidence, and effectiveness.

  • Awarded the 2020 Breakthrough Speaker of the Year by Professional Speakers Australia
  • 2020 Gold Stevie Award – Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Business Services
  • 2020 Bronze Stevie Award – Female Entrepreneur of the Year – Consumer Services
  • 2019 finalist for Australian Learning Professional of the Year
  • 2019 Bronze Stevie International Business Award
  • Winning Champion Sole Trader in the 2019 Australian Small Business Champion Awards
  • One of the 25 LinkedIn Top Voices for Australia for 2018 for her thought leadership.


She has authored multiple books. Her book, The Productive Leader, received an endorsement from the renowned global personal development guru Brian Tracy. The drive to support and skill managers comes from her own senior leadership experiences. Sally delivers presentations, keynote speeches, workshops and coaching – all online and face-to-face – to help skill managers, boost productivity, and self-leadership.

Blending 20+ years of working with a diverse range of people and industries in Germany, the Middle East, Asia and across Australia, Sally has extensive qualifications, a wicked sense of humor and an ability to make people feel at ease. Sally’s your first choice for inspiration, mastering skills, facilitating action and achieving results.

Connect with Sally on LinkedIn and at www.sallyfoleylewis.com.

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
How Leaders Can Increase Performance, Motivate and Engage Their Hybrid Team

Gain the confidence and courage to start and maintain performance feedback conversations with your team with strategies you can implement.

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