Remarkable Leadership: The Traits That Help People Grow

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Remarkable Leadership: The Traits That Help People Grow

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What makes for remarkable leadership? This question lies at the heart of every organization’s success. Effective leadership is not a solitary trait but rather a tapestry woven from various leadership traits that together create a profound impact. These traits encompass a wide spectrum of skills, from continuous learning and change management to powerful communication and problem-solving. Importantly, a remarkable leader is not defined by a single attribute but by the harmonious blend of these qualities. In this blog, we will delve deeper into these leadership traits and explore how they shape exceptional leaders who inspire, guide and drive their teams towards the fulfillment of organizational goals. Join us on this journey to unlock the secrets of remarkable leadership.

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Traits of a Remarkable Leader

1. Learning Continually

Remarkable leaders understand that the path to greatness never ends. They are perpetual learners, constantly seeking opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge. Therefore, this continuous learning is a critical leadership trait that keeps them adaptable and ahead of the curve.

2. Championing Change

Leadership and change go hand in hand. Remarkable leaders not only embrace change but also champion it. They are adept at planning, introducing, and executing change within their organizations. Moreover, this leadership trait ensures that their teams are not only comfortable with change but also thrive in it.

3. Communicating Powerfully

Effective communication is at the heart of remarkable leadership. Leaders with this leadership trait excel in conveying their thoughts, ideas, and vision to their teams clearly and persuasively. Further, their powerful communication skills serve as a beacon for their followers, guiding them toward common objectives.

4. Building Relationships

Building strong relationships is another essential leadership trait. Remarkable leaders recognize the importance of collaboration and teamwork. They invest time and effort in fostering positive relationships, gaining respect, and working collectively toward success.

5. Developing Others

Remarkable leaders are not only concerned with their own growth but also the growth of their team members. They excel at coaching and providing constructive feedback, ensuring that every individual on their team has the opportunity to develop and contribute to the organization’s success.

6. Focusing on customers

Without customers, no organization can thrive. Exceptional leaders prioritize customer satisfaction and make it a top leadership trait. They understand that every effort should revolve around meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

7. Influencing with Impact

Influence is a potent tool in leadership, and remarkable leaders know how to wield it effectively. Additionally, they build their ability to influence with impact, engaging others and driving meaningful change within their organizations.

8. Thinking and Acting Innovatively

In a rapidly changing business landscape, innovation is crucial. Leaders with this leadership trait think outside the box and approach challenges with creative, out-of-the-box solutions, ensuring that their organizations remain agile and adaptable.

9. Valuing Collaboration and Teamwork

Remarkable leaders recognize that the success of their organizations depends on the collective effort of their teams. For example, they actively support and promote collaboration and teamwork as a key leadership trait.

10. Solving Problems and Making Decisions

Problems are inevitable in any organization, and decisions must be made daily. In addition, leaders with strong problem-solving and decision-making skills help their organizations make progress efficiently, making this a vital leadership trait.

11. Taking Responsibility and Accountability

Accountability is essential in any successful company. Remarkable leaders lead by example: for instance, taking responsibility for their actions and encouraging their team members to do the same. This leadership trait fosters a culture of ownership and accountability within the organization.

12. Managing Projects and Processes

All work within an organization falls into the categories of projects or processes. Remarkable leaders recognize the value of each and excel in organizing and managing them effectively. As a result, this leadership trait ensures that work flows smoothly and efficiently.

13. Setting Goals

Remarkable leaders are adept at setting clear and achievable goals for themselves, their teams, and the organization as a whole. Goal-setting is an integral part of their leadership trait, driving the company’s evolution towards success.

Reflect on the Leadership Journey

In conclusion, in the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, one truth remains constant: remarkable leaders are made, not born. They are crafted through a commitment to self-improvement and the nurturing of essential leadership traits. Remember that leadership is not a destination but a continuous voyage of growth and learning. By embracing these leadership traits, you can set a course for a future where your leadership shines brightly, guiding your team toward unprecedented success. To get started on your journey of growth and development, check out the course Remarkable Leadership. This course focuses on each essential leadership competency.

Headshot of Kevin Eikenberry
Kevin Eikenberry

Kevin Eikenberry is a recognized world expert on leadership development and learning and is the Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group. He has spent over 30 years helping organizations across North America and leaders from over 40 countries on leadership, learning, teams and teamwork, communication, and more.  Twice, he has been named by as one of the top 100 Leadership and Management Experts in the World and has been included in many other similar lists. He is the author, co-author, or contributing author to nearly 20 books, including Remarkable Leadership and bestseller From Bud to Boss: Secrets of the Successful Transition to Remarkable Leadership (with Guy Harris), The Long-Distance Leader: Rules for Remarkable Remote Leadership and The Long-Distance Teammate (both with Wayne Turmel).

Connect with Kevin on LinkedIn.

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Become a leader and rise to the top. Learn tips and techniques to develop leadership skills and acquire the tools needed to help you become remarkable.

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