Skills Supervisors Need to Achieve Results among Their Team

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Skills Supervisors Need to Achieve Results among Their Team

Skills Supervisors Need to Achieve Results Among Their Team | HRDQ-U Blog
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Ask yourself,

  • What resources does your group need and how will you get them?
  • What tasks do you delegate and who can you delegate them to?
  • How do you give feedback to your employees about their performance?
  • How can you get your employees to commit to improving their performance?
  • How can you guide your employees to align their goals with the goals of the organization?

Recommended training from HRDQ-U

Taking the Lead: Five Things Every Supervisor Needs to Know

All organizations need to bring people together to accomplish results. Organizations need leaders to bring people together and develop the skills and talents of their employees. To do this, you need to educate your supervisors.

Regardless of the industry or organization, supervisors must have the ability to guide the work, organize the work, develop their employees, manage employee performance, and above all, manage relationships. High-performance organizations require supervisors who are aware of the overall big picture of the organization, oversee the employee’s work thereby implementing the company’s vision.

Let’s face it, for the most part, employees are promoted to supervisor because of their technical knowledge or their proficiency in doing the job. They are great at what they do but supervision has an entirely different skill set. A special need exists for supervisors to identify their proficiency and be trained in essential skills because they are the face of the organization. They communicate the company’s policies and vision. They provide reinforcement and feedback related to performance. They help grow their employees.

The following skills move away from a mechanistic model of organizations and address the needs of a flatter, more flexible, and resilient organization that focuses on continuous change and growth.

Guiding the Work: Understanding the needs of the organization and plan work effectively to meet those needs.

Organizing the Work: This involves assigning people and allocating resources to accomplish their goals and the goals of the organization.

Developing your Staff: Supervisors must be able to increase the skill level of each employee by learning their strengths and assigning tasks according to their development needs.

Managing Performance: This includes tracking the performance of your employees and helping them meet their objectives and those of the organization.

Managing Relations: Managing these relationships either with their team or other groups in the organization is critical to ensuring that your team is effective and meeting your organizational goals.

To get started today with understanding your supervisory skill set and how you can improve as a supervisor, check out the HRDQ assessment, Supervisory Skills Questionnaire.

Headshot of Annette Cremo
Dr. Annette Cremo

Dr. Annette Cremo is a seasoned organizational development professional with over 20 years of experience in training, organization development, and human resources. She has done consulting and training for GlaxoSmithKline, Microsoft, Conamaugh Health Systems, Mitsubishi, the Pennsylvania State Police, and Pfizer. In addition, Annette is an adjunct university instructor, teaching graduate and doctoral courses in industrial and organizational psychology and human resource management.

An expert in organizational development, 360 development and feedback, culture change, team building, and leadership, Annette earned her Ph.D. in Psychoeducational Process from Temple University. Her doctoral research examined the active learning process for high-performance work teams and the group problem-solving process.

Connect with Annette on LinkedIn.

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
Taking the Lead: Five Things Every Supervisor Needs to Know

Gain tips for mastering the supervisor role, including how to identify strengths and weaknesses, plan, and create productive relationships.

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