Managing Emotions with Emotional Intelligence

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Managing Emotions with Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional intelligence is the capacity to understand and adeptly manage emotions. It plays a crucial role in articulating appropriate responses and accurately gauging others’ reactions. This skill set includes self-awareness, the ability to recognize and comprehend one’s emotions in real-time, and self-regulation, utilizing emotions constructively rather than allowing them to hinder progress. Additionally, emotional intelligence encompasses motivation, the ability to defer immediate rewards for the pursuit of significant objectives, empathy, the skill of perceiving and understanding others’ emotions. and social competence, which involves interacting with others in a confident, cooperative, negotiating, persuasive, and leadership-oriented manner.

The key elements of emotional intelligence are

  • Adaptability
  • Resilience
  • Personal Change

Recommended training from HRDQ-U

Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace and Beyond

We are always processing information at an emotional level. It’s impossible not to. Although, it often causes many problems.

Emotional intelligence plays a large role in the workplace and beyond. Did you know that once you see something one way, it is very hard to switch gears and see it another way?

Personal bias tends to color the world that we see. Some components of personal bias include:

  • Confirmation: Seeking information to prove, not disprove
  • Selective Perception: Focusing on individual attributes
  • Stereotype: Rigid, biased perception
  • Halo Effect: Overrating an individual based on a single trait
  • Projection: Attributing one’s own thoughts, feelings, attitudes or traits to others


When asked the question, “When you graduated from college, what did you attribute your success to?” many think of hard work, proper planning, luck, strong work ethic, and persistence. Others think of family support, good mentors, religion, and self-motivation. Some focus on their own abilities while other focus on external circumstances.

Much like the replies to the question above, there are standard replies for when something good happens and also when something bad happens. Emotional intelligence is the key to understanding and managing emotions when something good or bad happens to then be able to navigate the situation with confidence.

Watch the webinar, Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace and Beyond presented by Diana Durek to dive deeper into the specifics of emotional intelligence. To get started with developing your emotional intelligence, check out HRDQ’s training resource, Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence.

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace and Beyond

Learn how increasing emotional intelligence positively impacts personal effectiveness and improves relationships at work and outside of work.

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