Top Critical Skills Needed in Human Resource Management

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Top Critical Skills Needed in Human Resource Management

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When you are in a management role or position, it’s important to have the skills to be a successful leader, but it can be hard to know what skills to develop and hone in on. Gartner Research Organization surveyed over 500 HR managers of major companies in 2021 and came up with the top seven critical skills for HR leaders in 2022. Let’s dive in to these seven critical skills and why they’re so important.

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The 7 Core HR Skills and Competencies

  1. Effective communication is necessary for HR professionals. They must have impeccable communication skills, excellent writing skills to avoid any miscommunication, and active listening to understand others’ perspectives and bring a more honest discussion between them and the managers.
  2. Building relationships maximizes the potential of an organization and its success; in the workplace relations need a great deal of care and communication; casual relations also need attention as well as departments, so all can thrive together and act as “a glue to keep them stick together” to promote inclusion with diversity.a small group of coworkers around a table with one of the men and women shaking each others' hand.
  3. Adaptability skills in a changing world helps managers rethink policies, be open to what is relevant and effective, and forecast needed changes through new strategies and innovations.
  4. Technological skills give managers an edge on keeping talented employees and acquiring new ones by making their jobs easier and more meaningful.
  5. Continuous learning is a lifelong endeavor of growth and development by knowing new trends and staying out front through continued research.
  6. Critical thinking is self-guided, self-disciplined thinking which attempts to reason at the highest level of quality in a fair-minded way,” says Linder Elder. This is the most essential attribute of a leader, especially in HR, where hiring, negotiating, and decision-making demand it.
  7. Interpersonal relations is a highly valued soft skill of social awareness, self-management, and accountability that a leader intuitively has as a communicator and manager. Such a person consistently shows the right attitude and aptitude of respect and positive regard of others.


Many of these skills are part of our new approach to work. How can we find a way to integrate these competencies in our day-to-day collaboration?

All leaders are called to be eminently human-centered leaders in today’s important responsibility of keeping pace with the fast advancement of technology.

Headshot of Judith Cardenas
Judith Cardenas and Bernard Rochon

Judith Cardenas is the President and CEO of Strategies By Design, a consulting firm helping organizations across the globe to innovate and design successful solutions and experiences for their clients. She has spent the last 10+ years empowering leaders and organizations to execute their vision and reach their goals through processes focused on innovation, change, and co-creation.

Her academic background includes a doctorate in education administration, as well as a doctorate in training and performance improvement. She has completed a variety of postdoctoral training in topics such as innovation, design thinking, digital facilitation and AI.

Judith has created and delivered training to organizations and agencies such as the World Bank, United Nations, QVC, Inc., Phillips Semiconductor, U.S. Navy, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Agency and U.S. Army, National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development/UT Austin and American College of Radiology.

Connect with Judith on LinkedIn.

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