Creative and Active Training Techniques

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Creative and Active Training Techniques

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Dr. Karen Lawson and HRDQ-U recently hosted a free webinar entitled, The Trainer’s Handbook: Creative and Active Training Techniques. Lawson is an international consultant, executive coach, speaker, and author. Her clients include a variety of prominent organizations. Drawing on her own leadership experiences and knowledge of human interaction, she helps leaders fine-tune their leadership and influencing skills to make a difference in their organizations and reach a higher level of success.

Almost 700 people registered to listen to the webinar live. Missed it? Click here now!

 “The instructor seemed very knowledgeable on the training topic.”

 “Very appreciative of these webinars – resourceful & informative  -supports professional and personal development.”

Below are the learning outcomes from the session:

  • Explain concept, principles, strategies, techniques of active training
  • Use active-training methods to increase retention, build understanding, improve skills
  • Adapt active-training techniques to any course content
  • Use creative approaches to motivate and energize the group

Here are the primary topics covered:

  • Understanding Active Training
  • 10 Active Training Alternatives to Lecture
  • Suggestions for Improving a Lecture
  • Using Creativity in the Classroom

So what exactly is Active Training? Simply put, it is “instructional use of small groups so participants work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning”. It is based on two assumptions:

  1. Learning is an active endeavor
  2. Different people learn in different ways

Some strategies and techniques of Active Training are:

  • Reflects learning, teaching, and motivation theories
  • Uses structured learning groups
  • Uses moderate level of content
  • Has a high level of participation
  • Creates interdependence among group members
  • Uses minimal lecture
  • Encourages peer teaching
  • Uses a variety of methods
  • Builds on and overlaps concepts and skills learned earlier
  • Uses real-life situations

Another important element in Active Training is Active Knowledge Sharing. The purpose is to teach facts (or figures) by asking participants to “guess” or speculate as to the correct information. It is key to prepare slides (or handouts) on which you have provided factual statements with the critical piece of information (number, percentage, name, etc.) to be filled in by participants. Then, you ask participants to work together in twos or threes, show prepared slide (and/or handout), give participants a few minutes to discuss what they think is the answer, reconvene the group and ask representative from each pair (or trio) to share their responses, and finally, share correct answer.

For more on training techniques that could work for you and your organization, such as Pairs Matching, Group Inquiry, and Information Search, click here now. You will also learn about Visual Aids, Peer Lessons, Building Interest, Maximizing Understanding and Retention and Ways to Create Subgroups.

Sign up today to make sure you don’t miss the next free webinar!

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