How Communication Style Can Improve Visibility With Leaders

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How Communication Style Can Improve Visibility With Leaders

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Leadership is important in every organization, and great leadership is even more valuable. “Executive presence” is the way a leader behaves, and while it may be hard to define, we know it when we see it. It’s when someone walks into a room and turns heads, and conversations open up to involve them. When they talk, people listen, and when they lead, people follow. A big factor in this is communication style.

Powerful executives know what their communication style is, and why it’s so important. If a person is aware of his or her style, navigating the complex work world becomes easier and they are likely to be more successful. They will be able to identify others’ communication styles and deal with them accordingly as they work as a team. Furthermore, if someone knows their own style in addition to their leader’s style, they are more likely to be able to connect with them professionally. This can lead to them having more input in company decisions and accelerating their career growth at the organization.

Recommended training from HRDQ-U

Talking with the Top: Tips for Building and Using Your Executive Presence

What Is Communication?

It goes without saying that excellent communication is important in the workplace. Team members must work together and communicate effectively in order to meet goals. But how can we define communication? There are four distinct aspects of it:

  • Verbal. The words used to communicate.
  • Paraverbal. The manner used to communicate meaning, such as tone and inflection.
  • Body language. The way people use their bodies to communicate, such as the way they shake hands or maintain eye contact.
  • Personal space. interpersonal distance, or one’s preferred physical space in relation to others, as well as one’s appearance and arrangement of their work or home spaces.


To bring about meaningful improvements in communication skills, the best way to begin is to build a better understanding of the types of communication and their effects on other people. The four communication styles are:

  1. Direct. People who take charge, are in control, competitive, fast-paced, authoritative, and are great leaders.
  2. Spirited. People who are enthusiastic, friendly, motivators, high-profile, and are decision makers.
  3. Considerate. People who are warm, counseling, cooperative, reliable, and caring.
  4. Systematic. People who are accurate, objective, factual, organized, and they focus on problem solving.


Once you know what your style is, you can read others to determine their style as well. Then, you can use your knowledge to determine how to approach leaders in your organization. If they have a direct style for example, you will know when you speak to them you need to be clear, confident, and quick with your point.

How to Use Communication Style to Develop Relationships with Leaders

HRDQ hosted a webinar titled Talking with the Top: Tips for Building and Using Your Executive Presence presented by consultant Suzanne McCall to enhance participants’ existing skills and develop personal awareness, increased confidence, and better strategies for capturing the attention of decision makers.

This webinar was based on the HRDQ training product, What’s My Communication Style, which provides insight into our everyday communications with others. This assessment is appropriate for individuals at any organizational level who want to discover more about themselves and their communication preferences. Participants will understand the various forms of communication and learn how to “flex” their own personal style to improve communication.

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
Talking with the Top: Tips for Building and Using Your Executive Presence

What’s your communication style? Learn how to increase confidence and develop executive presence through successful communication.

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