The Dos and Don’ts of Creating TikTok-Style Videos for Employee Onboarding

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The Dos and Don’ts of Creating TikTok-Style Videos for Employee Onboarding

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Remember, the key to success is relevant content, not perfection. Your new hires want to feel like the company they’re working for is authentic and full of other imperfect humans just like them. The biggest DO is to know your learner inside and out. To create fun, engaging, and easy content, you must know what your new employee needs most. What are they nervous about? Excited about? Confused about? Learn how to improve your employee onboarding process by creating short-form TikTok-style videos.

These videos are your chance to ease anxieties, acclimate them to company culture, and welcome them to a space where they feel motivated to contribute and excel. Our biggest DON’T is to stay in your comfort zone and alienate the next generation of the workforce. You can do this one video at a time!

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Not Just for Dancing: How to Re-Onboard Your Employees Using TikTok Videos

Scripting Your Employee Onboarding Videos

When starting the process of creating your videos, it’s good to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. For each video, writing a script, even if it’s short, can ensure that you stay focused on the main message you want to convey.

Writing a script to help plan and improve employee onboarding videos

Here is a list of suggestions to remember when writing your scripts:

Six Scripting Dos and Don’ts

1. DON’T try to appeal to every new hire at every company.

2. DO brainstorm about your onboarding process, specifically focusing on the people who will be experiencing it. Hopefully, you’ve collected feedback from those who have completed your onboarding process in the past.

Ask yourself questions like

  • What kind of employees does your company want to attract?
  • Does your current onboarding process reflect those traits?
  • What are the common pain points or knowledge gaps you can address with your videos?


Look for patterns in the questions, challenges, and topics that appear regularly. Be as specific as possible and write down all the ideas that come to mind.

3. DON’T try to squeeze too much information into one video.

4. DO aim for a 15-60 second video that starts with an attention-grabbing hook and ends with a clear and concise call to action. To find a hook that will capture your learner’s attention, think about one of those pain points you jotted down above and how you can provide a valuable perspective, tip, or solution. Typically, the sweet spot for a TikTok-style video script will land between 3-5 sentences; any longer, and it will cloud your learner’s focus. Finally, wrap things up with a call-to-action that tells your learner precisely what you want them to do, whether that’s visiting a website or signing up for a course.

5. DON’T start writing without doing research.

6. DO start watching videos through a new lens and notice what stands out to you. How do you react to music and sounds? How is humor used effectively? Does the proper lighting really make all the difference? Jot down your impressions and refer to this list during filming and editing.

Filming Your Employee Onboarding Videos

Once you finish writing the script, you can select the location and equipment that you prefer to start the video production process.

Woman filming Tiktok-style videos for employee onboarding in her company

To help make filming more manageable, here are some suggestions to consider:

Six Filming Dos and Don’ts

1. DON’T blow your budget on production equipment.

2. DO prioritize authenticity. For some, the filming process is the most nerve-wracking part. But here’s one of the key principles we’re taking from TikTok’s success: It’s not supposed to look like a professional production. You don’t need a huge budget to get started. Most likely, you already have everything you need. Think about the videos that YOU connect with most. We’re most engaged when a video feels personal and “real.” Don’t be afraid to showcase your personality and let viewers peek behind the scenes. Your ultimate goal is to create content that feels accessible and engaging so that your learners understand what you’re saying and want to hear more.

3. DON’T just wing it.

4. DO spend the time “setting the stage” by thinking about everything you may need for your video ahead of time. For example:

  • Will you need to film in a certain location or at a specific time of day?
  • Will the noise levels in your surroundings matter?
  • Will you need any props?
  • Do you need to convince any coworkers to be in the video with you?


5. DON’T overthink and stress about getting the perfect take.

6. DO just hit record and start creating the content your learners are craving! The more you do it, the easier it will become. Audio for your video can be recorded as you are filming content or after the fact as a voiceover. If recording after the fact, you can record directly in TikTok or Instagram or use a voice memo on your phone. *Bonus Tip: Instagram stories can be helpful for recording short clips that can be edited together to create a longer video. Make sure to film in vertical mode to ensure the best quality for your TikTok-style video.

Editing Your Employee Onboarding Videos

After filming your videos, editing them to ensure they look professional and align with your brand’s style.
Woman editing employee onboarding video at desk
Below is a list of helpful suggestions to keep in mind while editing your videos.

Six Editing Dos and Don’ts

1. DON’T forget the purpose of your video.

2. DO select the clips that best highlight the main message of your video and that will keep your content truly bite-sized and binge-able. The average attention span these days is 8-12 seconds, so you have a short window to get your message across! But those seconds can be incredibly impactful if you keep your video tightly focused. You can edit your clips in any editing software you are comfortable with, whether that is directly in TikTok or Instagram or using a third-party program like CapCut.

3. DON’T fill your video with clutter. To help improve your employee onboarding video process, keep them short and to the point.

4. DO add strategic elements that will enhance your message:

  • Effects and transitions: Visual effects, filters, and transitions between clips can help to smooth out the choppy video, but tread carefully – sometimes simplicity is more effective.
  • Text overlays: Consider adding text overlays to highlight key points or emphasize certain aspects of your video. Keep the text short and to the point.
  • Music or sound effects: Research shows that the right music can be a huge plus. Select a music track or sound effects that fit the mood and messaging of your video. Be sure to choose copyright-free music and sounds.


5. DON’T forget to ask for feedback.

6. DO ask the right people who will provide constructive feedback and confidence boosts. Specifically, ask about clarity (What do you think the key message of my video is, and do you remember a call-to-action?) and pacing (Does my video feel upbeat and engaging?). Don’t worry about applying all the feedback at once. Make a list, prioritize one area you want to improve next time and go from there.

Unlock the Power of Effective Employee Onboarding with TikTok-Style Videos

Ultimately, this TikTok-style video strategy aims to transform how your new employees experience the onboarding process. Binge-able content that learners actually want to watch is within your reach. Remember, these dos and don’ts to help improve your employee onboarding video creation process.

Headshot of Vanessa Alzate
Vanessa Alzate

Vanessa Alzate is the Founder and CEO of Anchored Training. She received a BA in both Communications and Political Science from Rutgers University and an MS in Corporate and Organizational Communication from Northeastern University. For over a decade, she has consulted with many mid-large organizations in industries ranging from pharmaceutical sales to fashion to develop training strategies tailored to each individual organization and team.

Throughout her career, Vanessa has excelled in assisting companies and individuals to expand their industry knowledge through innovative eLearning and classroom curriculum, while continuing to add consistently to her own education and training. She is passionate about keeping learners at the forefront of all learning initiatives and finding new and inventive ways to active, collaborate with, and engage learners empowering them to grow personally and professionally.

Connect with Vanessa on LinkedIn, TikTokInstagram, and Youtube.

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Not Just for Dancing: How to Re-Onboard Your Employees Using TikTok Videos

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