How to Use Your Talents for More Creative Leadership

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How to Use Your Talents for More Creative Leadership

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In late October, we hosted a webinar called, “Breakthrough Creativity: How to Use Your Talents for More Creative Leadership” by Dr. Lynne Levesque.  Dr. Levesque is a leadership and creativity consultant based in Boston, Massachusetts. Prior to launching her consulting and training practice, she was a vice president at Bank of America. She also spent several years as a senior researcher at the Harvard Business School.  The Breakthrough Creativity Profile is the tool you need to uncover creative talents in the workplace.  Find more out about it here.

Over 150 people participated in this interactive webinar. You may view the archived webinar here.

We recommend innovation creativity training.

“Creativity is the most important leadership quality” – 2010 IBM Global CEO Study

There were 3 main objectives to the webinar:

  1. Appreciate the breadth and depth around creativity
  2. See the power of creativity for more effective leadership
  3. Apply new knowledge to leadership development programs

“The benefits of creativity for leaders are many. They not only have to do with more inventive decisions, strategies, processes and solutions but being in touch with your creative talents helps you with your ability to communicate and motivate a variety of different people and a variety of different audiences and situations.”

The next step was to take a poll to see if the participants were creative leaders.

The replies were as follows:

  • I am a very creative leader –  20%
  • I am a somewhat creative leader – 55%
  • I am not sure if I am a creative leader –  22%
  • No, I’ve never thought of myself as a creative leader – 4%

From there, the participants were asked to define creativity. The answers that came in were all over the map. There is no ideal model, or one best way to be creative. Levesque argued that the proper definition is, “the ability to consciously produce different and valuable results.”

Next, we discussed the key principles of high-performance leadership. They include:

  • Effective leadership requires versatility
  • Effective leaders must be strategic and operational
  • Effective leaders must be forceful and enabling

Creativity and leadership require a balancing act between perception & judgment as well as action & reflection.

We all have Eight Creative Talents.  We tend to develop a preference for one over the others and that colors what data we see.  The Eight Creative Talents are (not in any order):

  1. Adventurer
  2. Inventor
  3. Poet
  4. Diplomat
  5. Pilot
  6. Visionary
  7. Navigator
  8. Explorer

The webinar went into deep detail as to what each talent was and how you could develop your talent.  There were also more polls and next steps to give the participants direction in which to go once the webinar was concluded.

Do you know which talent you are?  Do you know if you are a creative leader?  Listen to the webinar here to find out or to confirm your suspicions!

Sign up here to make sure you don’t miss the next free webinar.

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