Leading the Millennial Generation in Today’s Workforce

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Leading the Millennial Generation in Today’s Workforce

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The baby boomer generation is retiring at an alarming rate, and by 2020, the millennials will make up approximately 45% of the workplace. Millennials have a radically different view of what they expect from their employment experience.

So what exactly is a millennial? Millennials, or Generation Y, refers to people born between 1981 and 1999.

When people think about the characteristics of millennials, they might think that millennials are tech savvy, multitaskers, future leaders, eager, procrastinators, and demanding. As you can see, some characteristics are favorable, while many are not!

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Leading the Millennial – The Insider’s Guide

There are many misconceptions about millennials. Some think they are lazy and self-centered and have no respect for authority. However, they may not be lazy – they could just be multitaskers looking for the most efficient way to accomplish a task. And are they self-centered or do they value their individuality? Lastly, are they disrespecting authority or are they simply taught to question everything? As you can see, when you dig deep, things may not be as they first seem.

Many people are surprised to learn that millennials are open to change. Emily Williams, a millennial herself, said change is something her generation does not fear at all. In fact, they welcome it.

Another surprise is that millennials prefer face-to-face communication over any kind of technology. Yes, you read that right!

77% of millennials say that flexible work hours are a key to boosting their productivity. Do you feel the same way?

The key to effective millennial communication is to listen, learn and grow.

Listen openly to differing perspectives and needs. Be sure to maintain awareness of any biases that might be preventing you from receiving the true message. If you identify a bias, release it and return to a mode of openness.

Learn from the differing perspectives that you have openly received from others. Develop a curiosity for how others see the world. Continually ask yourself as you are interacting with other generations, “How can this perspective enhance?” “Do I need to ask questions for clarification?”

Grow continually toward becoming a more well-rounded individual. Take what you have learned from others and apply it in order to create greater results. Look for positive ways to incorporate new learning into your approach.

Do you want to learn more about how to work with a millennial? Do you want tips to improve communication with all generations? If so, watch the webinar, Leading the Millennial – The Insider’s Guide presented by Emily Pereira (Williams).

Also check out HRDQ’s Understanding Generational Differences customizable course to gain a better understanding of the four generations that make up the current workforce – Veterans, Baby Boomers, and Generations X and Y – and how their unique experiences and expectations impact their view of the workplace.

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
Leading the Millennial – The Insider’s Guide

With the rise of the millennial leader in today’s workforce, learn how to leverage millennials with proper intergenerational communication.

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