Top Five Benefits for Leaders from Identifying Your Creativity

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Top Five Benefits for Leaders from Identifying Your Creativity

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Unfortunately, the most popular definitions of creativity, such as “brainstorming,” “generating big ideas,” “genius,” or “artist,” miss the incremental but equally significant contributions made by building on what others have done. They also don’t recognize that creativity is not just about coming up with ideas; it’s also about doing something with those ideas!

In order to help individuals be their creative best, Dr. Lynne Levesque developed the Breakthrough Creativity Profile, which delves into Eight Creative Talents that help leaders.

So, how does this framework and knowledge about these Eight Creative Talents help leaders? Here are Lynne’s top five reasons,.

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Breakthrough Creativity: How to Use Your Talents for More Creative Leadership
  1. The Eight Creative Talents promote more self-awareness. Leaders must be aware of their strengths and challenges in order to be truly effective. Since research has established that personality impacts a leader’s style and their effectiveness as a leader, the Breakthrough Creativity Profile provides double benefits to leaders: greater self-awareness and better appreciation of their creative talents.
  2. Understanding their preferences for certain creative talents can help leaders define gaps and possible blinders in their strategic thinking and decision-making. While these talents help leaders make more creative contributions and more creatively solve problems, they can also create blindspots around the data they see and don’t see and the criteria they use to make decisions.
  3. Knowledge of an individual’s creative strengths boosts self-confidence, self-esteem, flexibility, and resilience. Stronger creative confidence brings an openness to new ideas, balanced risk-taking, and the ability to re-invent a leadership style to engage with a new generation of employees and new types of partners and customers.
  4. Since the Breakthrough Creativity framework recognizes individual differences in creative endeavors, it helps leaders appreciate the different contributions from members of their team.
  5. Using the Eight Creative Talents and the newly developed Breakthrough Creativity Team Profile brings a new tool for a leader’s team-building efforts. The Breakthrough Creativity Team Profile enhances a team’s creative performance through an improved understanding of both the individual talents of team members and how the combination of talents impacts the team’s interactions and creative results.
Headshot of Lynne Levesque
Dr. Lynne Levesque

Dr. Lynne Levesque holds a degree in Russian Studies from Mount Holyoke College, which led her into teaching and then to graduate school at Rutgers University, where she earned a Master’s degree in Modern European History. She also holds an MBA from University of California at Berkeley. Her love for history and languages was back-burnered by a 17-year successful business career at two very large financial institutions.

After completing her Ed.D. at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, she let her passion for the topics of creativity and leadership drive her departure from her business banking career toward independent consulting and adjunct teaching positions in local colleges and universities.

As part of that consulting practice, Lynne published Breakthrough Creativity: Achieving Top Performance Using the Eight Creative Talents (2001) and the Breakthrough Creativity Profile and Facilitator’s Guide (2003, 2012), along with several articles on topics of creativity and leadership. While still consulting, she spent five and a half years as a senior researcher at Harvard Business School, where she co-authored multiple cases and articles on critical leadership challenges.

Connect with Lynne on LinkedIn.

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Breakthrough Creativity: How to Use Your Talents for More Creative Leadership

Discover how creative leadership can help your organization achieve greater performance, flexibility, and decision-making with expert Lynne Levesque.

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