When Going with Your Gut Is a Bad Instinct

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When Going with Your Gut Is a Bad Instinct

When Going with Your Gut Is a Bad Instinct
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The greatest driver of workplace stress, anxiety, and depression for employees is leadership. In fact, according to a September 2020 survey by McKinsey & Company, 75% of employees say their direct leader is the worst and most stressful part of their job.

To help leaders become part of the solution to improve mental wellness in the workplace, we need to look beyond common leadership and emotional intelligence training into the very core of human decision-making.

Historically, people lived as observers of the environment and world around us. Today, we occupy the starring role as the center of attention and the lead characters in our own live production. With cameras in all our pockets, this is our reality. It is by design, for the most part, and when we’re being recorded, we act accordingly. We control the script, image, and action. Whether this is a good thing or not remains to be considered.

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Profound Leadership Through Emotional Awareness

Even without the cameras, we feel we have control over our lives and our interactions with others. We orchestrate how we wish to be seen, believing people see what we intend. People in our lives aren’t mirrors; they have their own interpretations of us and our intentions. Sometimes based on their conscious reactions, and more often how they “feel” about us. There is a disconnect between what we project and how we are received, and the majority of the time, we don’t know it. Thus, our actions might not be quite as self-determined as we think. Maybe we don’t possess the free will we believe we do.

Consider 1998’s The Truman Show, with Jim Carrey, Laura Linney, and Ed Harris. Of course, on the surface, it seemed to be all about the TV show that was Truman Burbank’s life and the revelation that he was merely part of millions of viewers’ entertainment all along. A sad and cruel joke on an affable, unwitting main character.

More revelatory than a movie about a reality TV show, before CBS’s Survivor’s first season in 2000, was that every move Truman made was being watched. His entire life was scripted. As he traveled through his day, his movements became predictable, in a world where the way people perceived him (as they were directed to) would guide him to the next step – or adventure. He took cues from his environment and acted accordingly. We enjoyed the movie for the surreal premise but were also relieved that his experience of pre-destination wasn’t ours. This is where cinema parallels reality, as it often does.

We move through our lives with the distinct impression we have control of our outcomes and feel strongly that freedom of choice is as important as freedom itself. Because of this, we create our personas to navigate the world on our terms. We are assured when things go as planned and surprised when they don’t. We attribute the positive outcomes to our choices and the negative ones to the actions of others or our environment.

But what if our life choices were predestined like Truman Burbank, and we were simply along for the ride? What if our plans were being manipulated by us?

Some of our decisions result in good actions and equally good outcomes, while others seem to bring on difficulty. The more decisions that appear to be right, the more progress one makes in their professional growth. In fact, small lapses in judgment are overlooked when it appears that good behaviors outweigh bad ones. Of course, it is the negative actions that can subvert success or harm others. These small things can sabotage success in big ways.

Most leadership training rightfully leans into the strengths of leaders. We are taught to “go with our gut” using training that supports instinctive decision-making as a path to success. The assumption is that in order for someone to take a leadership role, they must have insights that others must not or see a line to the top of the ladder that others simply can’t see. As Ryan Gottfredson discusses in his book, The Elevated Leader, credit is given to those who rose to a perceived position of authority. In a proportion of situations, this is definitely warranted, while in over 70% of people, poor leadership is a daily scenario that plays out repetitively and reveals gaps in success based on certain non-conscious patterns. Because true instinct is an innate and mostly subconscious pattern of behavior that responds to external stimuli, it is very effective at driving decision-making and action-taking.

Events in the developmental years of our lives shape our instincts. When negative events cause stress and a trauma response, a neuro-physiological response occurs in our brains that embeds specific behaviors designed to avoid danger. This self-preservation mechanism is very useful in primitive life-threatening situations, yet our modern world isn’t full of such threats, and our instinctive actions, steered by non-conscious neural pathways, repeatedly arise and create negative social outcomes.

The effects of these trauma-linked behaviors have implications for leaders and their direct reports. Externally, you would expect things like inappropriate interactions, hostility, anger, and obsessive or controlling behaviors that ultimately stifle peoples’ creativity, emotions, and enjoyment. Personally, they result in a lack of trust, fear, frustration, and anger. Until the leader becomes aware, the patterns repeat every few months or years, and their very own work security is affected, leading to unemployment, transition, or turnover of directly reporting employees and workplace absences.

Naturally, the repetition causes stress, and other coping mechanisms arise, such as substance abuse, abusive behavior, and even depression and self-harm. This exacerbates the cycle and amplifies future interactions for the worse. The leader, then, becomes the biggest source of employee discord over and over again.

No amount of tactical or strategic training is going to get to the foundation of the biggest challenges with leaders. It takes a methodology that looks deeper into the developmental trauma-informed neuropsychology of leadership and a plain-spoken approach that creates nurturing environments where open, risk-free discussion is encouraged and commonplace. When leaders perceive no risk in looking deeper into the causes of the gaps in their emotional intelligence that limit their potential, they become open to foundational improvements that help them elevate.

Headshot of Mike Skrypnek
Mike Skrypnek

Mike Skrypnek is the CEO of Grow GET Give Coaching, Founder of the UNLimited WORTH Project, and Executive Director of the UNLimited WORTH Society. He is also an international bestseller of nine books, a keynote speaker, a men’s mental health advocate, a podcast host, and a sought-after business strategist who has shared his insights and wisdom with thousands of passionate, purpose-driven industry leaders.

Mike’s work ignites passion as he helps industry leaders make their cosmic ripple. This impact extends through generations. Healing our past traumas and reforming our subconscious patterns allow us to realize our UNLimited WORTH. When we do, we enjoy happiness, success, and love.

Mike lives, loves, and adventures with his wife, Sherri, and their two young adult children, Madison and Coen, in the beautiful Sea-to-Sky corridor of British Columbia, Canada. You can find them skiing, snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking, paddle boarding, and more in the mountains and on the rivers and ocean just minutes from home, in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Connect with Mike on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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Profound Leadership Through Emotional Awareness

Explore the impact of social-emotional learning for leaders in addressing emerging crises and enhancing effectiveness in this webinar.

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