Understanding the Importance of Providing Effective Feedback

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Understanding the Importance of Providing Effective Feedback

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The upcoming webinar, Providing Effective Feedback to Employees on all Performance Levels, is designed to help managers and supervisors enhance their skills by providing performance feedback to their direct reports to help them better perform their jobs.

It is important to provide employees on all levels of an organization with accurate, candid, and useful feedback concerning their performance regardless of the employee’s level in the organization. Everyone needs to receive this feedback on their performance to continue to grow and develop in their jobs and career. Whatever an organization’s performance management process, it is important that it is utilized fairly and consistently to all employees. It is likely the primary process the organization has established to provide performance feedback to all its employees. All managers and supervisors should be expected to utilize this process. Helping managers and supervisors improve their skills providing this important feedback to employees is a worthwhile endeavor for any organization, paying dividends not today but in the future as well.

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Providing Effective Feedback to Employees on all Performance Levels

Topics covered during the webinar will include: challenges to providing performance feedback, why performance feedback is important, processes driven by performance feedback, effective feedback impact, performance feedback roadblocks, strategies for presenting performance feedback to different performance levels, characteristics of different performance levels, importance of goals alignment, keeping employees focused on the right things, becoming a champion of middle employees, the  supervisor’s role in dealing with low performers, presenting negative feedback, reasons for poor performance, coaching poor performers, model for career development, and helping others climb their career ladders.

Although there are many challenges to providing performance feedback to employees, there are many potential benefits as well. Ultimately, managers and supervisors will find providing effective feedback to their direct reports is also a good investment of their time as they help them to better perform their jobs. It can also make their own jobs more rewarding and easier in the long run.

The webinar will review pitfalls to avoid providing this important feedback to employees. Avoiding these traps can help make this process to be more meaningful to employees and not just a mandatory process that everyone is required to go through. If that’s the case, organizations are missing the opportunity to make a significant difference in developing the skills and talents of their employees on all levels of their organization. Providing effective performance feedback can have more of a positive impact on your organization than you may realize. Doing this well can help build greater trust and communications between supervisors and their direct reports. It can also create a greater commitment to their jobs and loyalty to the organization. Employees will feel that their manager or supervisor has genuine concern for their growth and development in their careers and future with the organization. This is obviously very important to them and plays a major role in their overall job satisfaction and performance.

The webinar will give participants new insights, ideas, tips, and guidance to help them be able to provide more meaningful performance feedback and manage performance in their organizations and take what they will learn back to their workplace.


Peter Garber Bio Pic
Peter R. Garber

Peter R. Garber is a retired Human Resource Professional with over 35 years of experience working for a Fortune 200 corporation. During his career, he held a variety of HR roles including assignments at manufacturing facilities across the country, and later spent twenty years at the company’s corporate headquarters. Peter was also an adjunct instructor at the University of Pittsburgh Business School. He is the author of over 50 books and learning activities on HR and business-related topics. He has been invited to present seminars and webinars on numerous occasions based on his works and has made presentations at international conferences and colleges.

Peter worked on designing and improving the performance feedback processes for many years during his career. He developed and presented training programs on performance management for managers and supervisors in the organization throughout North America. He is the author of the upcoming book, 50 Activities for Performance Feedback, published by HRD Press to be released later this year.

Get in touch with Peter at prgarber2110@yahoo.com

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
Providing Effective Feedback to Employees on all Performance Levels

Discover strategies for presenting performance review feedback to different performance levels and how to keep employees focused.

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