5 Mistakes We Make in Conversation and How to Overcome Them

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5 Mistakes We Make in Conversation and How to Overcome Them

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Lack of effective communication is a common issue faced in various social interactions, but it is crucial to recognize and overcome the common mistakes in communication in order to build strong and meaningful connections with others. During conversations, many of us have unintentionally engaged in behaviors that hinder effective communication. These mistakes can include not actively listening, interrupting the speaker, attempting to one-up the other person, disregarding body language, letting cultural barriers affect the interaction, and more.

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Common Mistakes During Conversations

  1. Thinking about what you’re going to say while the other person is still talking. This can give the impression of inattentiveness and can be detrimental to the flow of the conversation. To overcome this, it is important to actively listen to the speaker, wait until they have finished speaking, and then respond thoughtfully. Engaging by asking relevant questions or showing acknowledgment of the speaker’s input can go a long way in conveying genuine interest and understanding.
  2.  Interrupting the person before they are done talking. Interrupting can be interpreted as a sign of disrespect and can hinder the speaker from fully expressing themselves. Providing the speaker with undivided attention, maintaining eye contact, and allowing them to complete their thoughts before responding is essential in demonstrating respect and fostering meaningful communication.
  3. Trying to “one up” the person by commenting about how your story/situation was even better/funnier/more compelling. This most certainly can make the other person feel de-valued. Instead, showing empathy and relating to the speaker’s experiences by expressing understanding or empathy can help create a more supportive and inclusive environment for effective communication; for example, simply stating, “I sure know how you feel” (if you do), or commenting on how awful/scary/funny that must have been.
  4. Not being aware of your body language. Non-verbal cues such as posture, facial expressions, and eye contact play a pivotal role in conveying interest and understanding. Being mindful of one’s body language by sitting attentively, maintaining eye contact, and displaying open and engaging gestures can significantly enhance the quality of communication and promote a sense of mutual respect. I once had a young lady that I was going to mentor who told me in advance that my body language was important to her. (She had severe trauma in her past, so being mindful of this is crucial.)
  5. Letting cultural barriers get in the way. What if we have nothing in common? That is perfectly ok. It is a mistake to think that we have to be just like the other person or have a lot in common to be able to connect. For one thing, we can always learn something new from someone else.


In conclusion, prioritizing active listening, showing respect, empathy, and understanding, being mindful of body language, and respecting cultural diversity are fundamental to establishing strong and meaningful connections through effective communication. By recognizing and addressing these common mistakes, individuals can cultivate environments where everyone feels valued and heard, ultimately leading to more meaningful and impactful interactions. Understanding the importance of effective communication can pave the way for fostering positive and enriching relationships.

Patti Massullo

Patti Massullo is a certified leadership and professional development coach and Maxwell DISC Trainer. She has been an entrepreneur most of her adult life, owning both online and offline businesses. Patti has mastered the art of communication using proven strategies to help businesses create compelling new ways to connect in every area of their life, both at home and in the workplace. Also certified in mental health and brain health, Patti is passionate about how people are wired and thrives on helping individuals and companies work and play to their strengths.

Connect with Patti on LinkedIn.

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This session explores how to develop better communication skills that deliver your message and resonate with the conversant.

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