Overcoming the Tyranny of the Tangible by Activating People-Centered Transformation in Your Organization

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Overcoming the Tyranny of the Tangible by Activating People-Centered Transformation in Your Organization

Overcoming the Tyranny of the Tangible by Activating People-Centered Transformation in Your Organization
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What would happen to your organization if all of your people suddenly vanished?

All that would remain is an agglomeration of impotent assets that sit idly by, awaiting an infusion of human agency. How ironic it is that our current accounting practices call things such as property and equipment “Assets” and people “Liabilities.” People are not liabilities. People are the life force of every organization.

Want proof? Just ask any CEO how their organization is being impacted by the “Great Resignation.”

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People-Centered Transformation: Overcoming the Tyranny of the Tangible to Create Lasting Organization Change

The Impact of People on an Organization

It is through the ingenuity and energy of people that organizations see and seize new opportunities for growth. It is also through the intractability and apathy of people that organizations develop toxic work environments and crippling orthodoxies that can grind the organization to a screeching halt. In short, it is people who ultimately determine the fate of any organization because only they can make it stop or go.

Changing organizations is hard. Research shows that organizational transformation efforts fail more than 70% of the time. That is a lot of wasted time and effort that ultimately yields very little value for the organization and a huge amount of frustration for its people.

Organizations cannot change unless their people change. Research shows that people do not resist change – they resist being changed. Most transformation efforts fail because leadership over-emphasizes the tangible side of change and under-emphasizes the emotional one. Successful organizational transformation requires an empathic, people-centered approach to change that nurtures a culture of aspiration, alignment, autonomy, and accountability.

People-Centered Transformation

During my webinar, People-Centered Transformation: Overcoming the Tyranny of the Tangible to Create Lasting Organization Change, we will explore the ten key elements of People-Centered Transformation (PCT) and identify the three key leadership shifts required to activate each element. The ten PCT elements requiring activation in every organization seeking to navigate the permanent whitewater of change today are:

  • Create a Compelling Change Narrative
  • Act to Think Differently
  • Embrace Situational Humility
  • Focus Attention on What Matters
  • Motivate Discretionary Effort
  • Give Others Agency
  • Decentralize Decision Making
  • Catalyze the Network
  • Lead the System
  • Nudge the Culture


Leave this session with a clear understanding of the priority PCT element requiring activation within your own organization and a focused plan to make the three specific leadership shifts required to activate it.

Tony O'Driscoll
Dr. Tony O’Driscoll

Dr. Tony O’Driscoll is a professor, speaker, author, and advisor whose engaging message emphasizes that the key digital-age differentiator is not technology but people.

Tony’s current appointments as Adjunct Professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and the Pratt School of Engineering, coupled with his role as a Research Fellow at Duke Corporate Education, afford him the unique opportunity to apply cutting-edge academic research to address increasingly complex business challenges.

Tony is a frequently invited speaker at both corporate and academic conferences. He has been a keynote speaker, workshop leader, moderator, speaker, and panelist at over 130 national and international conferences. He has also provided expert analysis and interviews to media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Wired Magazine, The Financial Times, India Today, Chief Learning Officer Magazine, Training Magazine, and for industry analysts such as Gartner and Forrester.

Tony has authored and co-authored articles for business periodicals such as Harvard Business Review, The Financial Times, Strategy and Business, and Dialogue, and he writes the “Learning Matters” column for Training Magazine. His new book, Everyday Superhero, proposes a revolutionary People-Centered Transformation (PCT) approach to enable sustained and sustainable organization agility.

Connect with Tony on LinkedIn.

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
People-Centered Transformation: Overcoming the Tyranny of the Tangible to Create Lasting Organization Change

Discover the key elements of successful organizational transformation. Learn how to activate each element and create a strong company culture.

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