Are You Ready to Master Change Training?

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Are You Ready to Master Change Training?

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Coping with change has become a daily event for most people in organizations today. In recent years, even the nature of change training itself has been changing. In the past, change was episodic, with “rest periods” between changes to adjust and regroup. Change took place within a relatively stable and secure environment. Today, the rate of change is greatly accelerated. There is change upon change, with little opportunity for stability and adjustment. Additionally, change now takes place in an environment of uncertainty and insecurity. The future is largely unknown, and the old rules no longer seem to hold.

A potential consequence of the rapid change and uncertainty that currently characterizes the organizational climate is an uneasy sense that the implicit contract between the individual and the organization may be changing. Previously it was reasonable to assume that if an individual did his or her job, he or she would continue employment. Security was related to stability, get- ting the job done, and not rocking the boat. Today it is essential that an employee create his or her own security by being open to change, seeking information, and learning how to adapt. Job security now involves being a “change master” rather than a “change avoider” or victim.

Mastering the Change Curve is a tool for surfacing concerns participants have during a change, particularly when change is not of their doing. It also provides participants with a model for discussing, understanding, and mastering change.

Helping an individual or team move through change is a shared responsibility. A human resource manager, trainer, or organizational development facilitator can help a group move through a transition. Alternatively, the manager or team leader can work with an individual or the team to move through change. The facilitator guide is meant to help a facilitator in either of these roles to administer the assessment and then work with an individual or a team going through the transition.

How to get started

Learn more about this product by attending the free webinar How to Thrive Through Change. The webinar will show you how Mastering the Change Curve is appropriate for individuals at any organizational level who are experiencing continuous change.

Start training today!

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