Do You Know Your Coaching Style?

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Do You Know Your Coaching Style?

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Coaching is more than a means of correcting problematic behavior; it’s more than something a manager has to do in times of conflict. Coaching helps employees develop their skills, increases engagement and productivity, and improves communication. Ultimately, coaching is an opportunity; it’s how relationships form between managers and employees.

Building a relationship of mutual trust between manager and employee benefits everyone – employee, manager, team, and organization. While coaching is an ongoing process, the skills involved in conducting a coaching meeting can be extended to the overall employee-manager relationship. The skills and approaches used can be linked to different coaching styles, and there are many different coaching styles in the workplace. Knowing your coaching style can go a long way to successful coaching and relationship building.

Recommended training from HRDQ-U

What Does Your Coaching Style Say About You?

What’s My Coaching Style?

A lot of your coaching style is influenced by your personality style. HRDQ’s What’s My Coaching Style assessment and workshop measures your personality style from four styles:

  1. Direct: People who take charge in a situation and operate in a controlled, competitive, and fast-paced environment.
  2. Spirited: Enthusiastic, friendly people who are motivators and decision-makers.
  3. Considerate: Reliable people who are warm, caring, cooperative, and offer counsel.
  4. Systematic: Factual and organized people who are good at problem-solving, remain objective, and operate with accuracy.


The assessment explores how your personality style relates to coaching and interpersonal relationships. Coaches and managers identify and understand personality traits, learn how to capitalize on personal strengths, and minimize potential weaknesses. Understanding your personality and coaching styles in the workplace allows you to better understand why you behave the way you do, learn how to adapt your behavior to improve interpersonal relationships, develop rapport, and, ultimately, become a more effective coach.

The Coaching Process

Coaching brings about positive effects, as previously discussed, such as developing rapport, building clear communication pathways, building trust, and more. These are great effects of coaching that will positively affect your workplace and the team members in it. However, the focus of coaching conversation should always be based on (1) helping the employee recognize the need to improve their performance and (2) developing the employee’s commitment to improving performance.

When coaching, there should be a process that you follow and adapt for your employees:

  1. Begin by evaluating the skills, personality traits, and learning preferences of your employees.
  2. Define and share your vision for success.
  3. Create a compelling mission that resonates and inspires team members.
  4. Set timely and achievable goals.
  5. Meet with the team member regularly to help them with their goals and offer support and guidance.


Remember, coaching involves these elements:

  • A two-way dialogue
  • A series of interdependent steps or objectives
  • Specific coaching skills
  • Mutual satisfaction


The result of a coaching meeting should be a message sent and received about behavior. Both employees and managers need to be aware of and committed to specific actions that will align behavior with organizational goals and values. By upholding these values and guiding work toward these objectives (by coaching their employees), managers are building a better future for their organization.

Healthy employee-manager relationships can be an invaluable part of your organization’s culture. Build these healthy relationships with great coaching – let What’s My Coaching Style be your guide! You can learn more about the value of using this product in your training the webinar, What Does Your Coaching Style Say About You? presented by Alberta Lloyd.

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
What Does Your Coaching Style Say About You?

Gain insights into your coaching style and its impact on interactions and relationships to adopt and implement effective coaching styles.

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