Talk (and Act) Like a Leader

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Talk (and Act) Like a Leader

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Leadership is more than just a title – it’s a dynamic relationship that shapes organizations, motivates teams, and drives success. Think about some characteristics of the best leaders. Maybe they’re empowered, confident, supportive, respected, valued, etc. Now think about less effective leaders. They tend to be critical, micro-managers, insecure, and not in tune with the needs of others. There’s a difference between the two, right? When broken down like that, it is easy to see why being a good leader is a lot more productive and helpful than being a bad one!

Recommended training from HRDQ-U

Talk Like a Leader: What Every Employee Needs to Hear

Leadership as a Dialogue

Effective leadership is not a monologue; it’s a dialogue. A good leader tunes in to the wavelength of their team, fostering open communication and understanding. Here are key messages that successful leaders convey:

  1. Vision and Execution:
    • A good leader has a clear vision for the organization.
    • They possess the skills to translate that vision into action.
  2. Context and Compassion:
    • Compassion, in this context, means understanding and caring about team members.
    • Creating a positive emotional tone is essential.

The Visionary Leader

Having a vision is paramount. In fact, 82% of senior managers have a definite vision for their organization. But it’s not enough to communicate the vision – you must also inspire others to rally behind it.

Action-Oriented and Focused

Forward-looking leaders excel because they:

  • Stay focused on goals
  • Take decisive action

The Credibility Factor

Credibility is the bedrock of effective leadership. Leaders build credibility by:

  • Demonstrating expertise
  • Being authentic
  • Keeping promises
  • Listening actively
  • Being mindful of body language


DWYSYWD: Do What You Say You Will Do” is a mantra for credible leaders. Taking responsibility and being accountable are non-negotiable.

Seeking Better Ways

Effective leaders constantly ask:

  • “Is there a better way?”
  • “Why?”
  • “How?”


These questions drive innovation and growth.

In summary, leadership is about relationships, vision, credibility, and accountability. By embodying these traits and strategies, you can elevate your leadership game and create a positive impact on your team and organization.

To learn more about being a leader who creates a positive impact, listen to Talk Like a Leader: What Every Employee Needs to Hear, presented by Diana Durek. And you can get started with the program behind this webinar, Talk Like a Leader Customizable Courseware. Available as classroom training, as well as a self-study e-learning programTalk Like a Leader is part of the Reproducible Training Library, a full suite of unlimited-use content that’s downloadable, customizable, and reproducible. Easy to edit in both Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files, this training solution is an affordable, one-time purchase and yours to reproduce as needed.

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
Talk Like a Leader: What Every Employee Needs to Hear

Make the most of your leadership competencies by learning the four pillars of leadership success: Vision, Competence, Relationships, and Support.

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