Do Your Customer Experiences Have Flourishes?

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Do Your Customer Experiences Have Flourishes?

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The Southern National restaurant in Mobile is a new restaurant that serves flourishes. That is not a culinary term; it is a design expression. It is those curly-cues that decorate the end of a book chapter. It is the manner a signature adds stylistic swirls and drawings at the end. It is an ornamental addition.

Flourishes embellish and decorate. Pay the bill with the wait staff and your receipt and credit card are returned in a small jelly jar with a piece of twine still present at the top like its paper cover has gone missing and all the marmalade eaten. Ask for a scotch on the rocks and the waiter is likely to present you the bottle just like a fine wine bottle. Flourishes charm and delight.

A flourish is defined as a bold or extravagant gesture or action made to attract the attention of others. And, customers love bold service, especially when lavished with features that attract and compel.

The Hyatt at Gainey Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona, not only burns lots of mesquite wood in their many fire pits and outdoor fireplaces, they create a romantic mood by also lighting giant candles around the property. The hotel housekeepers sometimes place an aromatic flourish on your pillow—a spring of rosemary, honeysuckle, or a piece of sandalwood. Butler Lexus in Macon, Georgia includes a customer’s favorite flavored coffee in the customer’s profile. When a customer brings in a vehicle for service, the Keurig coffee machine in the waiting area is guaranteed to have K-cups preferred by the customer.

There are an unlimited number of opportunities for customer experience flourishes. Flourishes leave experiences enriched as they make moments memorable. And, they create a stories customers are eager to share. Stories are the highest form of customer advocacy. Look for flourishes you can add to your customers’ experiences and watch them swoon and your bottom line swell.

We recommend webinar customer service.

The post was written by Chip Bell. 

HRDQ-U and Chip Bell hosted a free webinar you can Watch here! 

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