Effective Networking: Turning Conversations into Relationships

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Effective Networking: Turning Conversations into Relationships

Coworkers talking and networking
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Everyone is familiar with the saying, “It’s not what you know, but who you know!” and the impact of networking on our relationships. But have you ever considered your own internal network and how it can be your most powerful tool? Networking is a crucial skill, whether you’re working within a company, running your own business, seeking a new job, or looking for information and knowledge. While many people are comfortable with networking, others may not be. We can all benefit from practicing and learning how to make networking work for us and the people we connect with.

Recommended training from HRDQ-U

Effective Networking

The Benefits of Networking:

  • Gain new information
  • Gain new connections
  • Broaden our horizons
  • Enrich our lives
  • Find an answer to a question or problem
  • Get other people’s viewpoints
  • Discover new friends
  • Find out more about a target company
  • Career development
  • Learning and growing

With all these benefits, it’s clear to see that networking is a crucial skill to have. But, it is important to understand the dos and don’ts of networking.

Networking Dos

  • DO Consider every opportunity as networking
  • DO Always be prepared
  • DO Focus on the other person
  • DO Ask how you can help
  • DO Be gracious
  • DO Be positive
  • DO Add value
  • DO Follow up

Networking Don’ts

  • DON’T Do all of the talking
  • DON’T the world with your information
  • DON’T Expect someone to give you all of their contacts/information
  • DON’T Ask for something unreasonable
  • DON’T Make it all about you
  • DON’T Don’t be late for a function or meeting

Another key piece of the networking puzzle is to have an elevator speech on hand. This speech should be 30 seconds to 1 minute and should include your name, professional identity, experience, strengths and what you are looking to gain from the networking contact.

It is important to understand how to network at different events, too. For more on that, plus how to network effectively, gain confidence and create a development plan for networking, check out Amy Dinning’s webinar, Effective Networking.

“Be the Type of Person You Want to Meet,” make connections, follow through with any meetings, show openness, establish rapport, and more!

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
Effective Networking

Learn the art of effective networking and how it can contribute to your success. Join our interactive session to enhance your skills.

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