Bypassing the Buzzwords for Real Results

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Bypassing the Buzzwords for Real Results

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You may be a great accountant, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be a great manager of accountants. And yet, that’s the system the business world was built upon. Basically, if you were good at what you did, you were promoted to something you weren’t good at doing. And we wonder why we developed so many workplace challenges.

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Developing “UnCommon Sense” in Managers: Bypassing the Buzzwords for Real Results

Challenges and Qualities of Managers

Unfortunately, common sense is not as widespread as we once thought. When you think of the biggest challenges that you and your managers face, some potential challenges include

  • Communication issues
  • No training
  • No support
  • Inherited teams
  • Negativity
  • Fear of confrontation
  • No administrative backing
  • Not enough staff
  • Young managers with little or no experience


On the other hand, when you think of the best leader you ever had, they were probably great because of a few key reasons:

  • Shared information
  • Active listeners
  • Knowledgeable
  • Fair
  • Consistent


See how none of the challenges were seen as positive traits to good leadership? The lists are completely different!

Tools and Techniques to Identify Development Needs

Identifying development needs is a critical step in enhancing both leadership and management capabilities. One effective technique to develop the skills and capabilities of those in leadership positions is conducting regular assessments. Assessments gauge the current skill level and identify any gaps in knowledge or performance. The results of assessments give individuals ideas and competencies to work on.

Another important method of identifying development needs is performance reviews. Performance reviews are essential for providing feedback, but they should never be a surprise to the manager OR the person being reviewed. Both parties should have time to prepare for their appraisals and nothing that comes up in the meetings should be new. To make performance reviews especially effective, clear expectations and regular check-ins should be established. This allows for any issues to be addressed and helps avoid any surprises.

Principles of Effective Management

There are many principles that govern management. One principle is the importance of really listening when people speak. Put down your phones and stop with the constant texts! Even if you can talk and text, that behavior gives off the appearance that the phone is more important than the conversation.

Another principle is using careful language. Be aware of phrases that make people angry (like buzz words) or raise red flags. Know your audience and do not try to impress them with big words – use words they can understand. Think about how you present an idea or approach a topic and change your delivery or inflection if need be. All of these and more can help your management style.

Enhancing Management Style

In conclusion, blending leadership and management skills requires a conscious effort to develop and refine various competencies. By focusing on these areas, you can elevate your organization and drive sustained success.

Want to learn more about how to be a better manager or make your manager better? If so, check out my webinar, Developing “UnCommon Sense” in Managers: Bypassing the Buzzwords for Real Results, where I give a more in-depth explanation of the topics discussed above and unveil new ideas regarding leadership and management.

Christee Gabour Atwood
Christee Gabour Atwood

Christee Gabour Atwood’s background includes radio announcer, newspaper columnist, television anchor, stand-up comic, association executive (which is another version of a stand-up comic), and Universal Studios tour guide (which taught her to point to her left and right).

For over two decades now, she has focused her efforts on creating learning opportunities — and doing so while “Linking laughter and learning.” Her rationale? We always remember a joke longer than a lecture.

She’s the best-selling author of five business and training books, which have been translated into both Japanese and Chinese and are used in universities from the United States to Korea and Lebanon. She’s coordinated skills development systems and the sharing of knowledge within organizations ranging from governmental agencies and municipalities, corporate and retail organizations, associations, and nonprofits to roaming bands of kazoo players. (The kazoo players were a total loss, but the other groups benefited from her guidance and UnCommon Sense suggestions.)

Connect with Christee on LinkedIn.

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
Developing “UnCommon Sense” in Managers: Bypassing the Buzzwords for Real Results

Develop managers who can tackle workplace challenges head-on. Discover the skills needed for effective leadership in any industry.

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