Ken Scott

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Ken Scott

Ken Scott serves as a coach, consultant, and trainer. He has worked with all levels of an organization, from senior executive VPs to individuals, adding value for the customer. He has a deep desire to help individuals evolve to higher levels of performance and enjoyment. This empowers them to change themselves and contribute to changing their organization from the inside out. Ken has been practicing the work of Dr. Joe Dispzena since 2012 and became a HeartMath-certified NeuroChangeSolutions consultant in 2020, teaching the work of Dr. Joe and HeartMath to individuals, teams, and organizations both locally and internationally. Ken’s background is in Manufacturing and Engineering. This background keeps him grounded in the desire for science and research-based solutions to personal and organizational challenges. Ken has committed himself to continuing his exploration of the ever-evolving scientific understandings of personal change and transformation both for himself and for his clients. Connect with Ken at

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