Finding Gratitude in the Face of Uncertainty? A Simple Way To Say Thank You

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Finding Gratitude in the Face of Uncertainty? A Simple Way To Say Thank You

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Have you noticed that some people are able to maintain a relatively positive attitude regardless of what’s happening around them right now? Like everyone, they can appreciate the good times, but they also seem to be able to focus on the positive in the face of so much uncertainty and a string of negative events that seem almost daily.

Fortunately, a positive attitude can be cultivated, with a little practice. Although we are born with specific temperamental tendencies, the brain is a muscle, and you can strengthen your mind’s natural tendency toward optimism if you work at it. And also, fortunately, working on building your “gratitude muscle” can be enjoyable in itself. But the benefits you gain would make it worth the effort even if it was a dull, difficult task.

Recommended training from HRDQ-U

The Gratitude Effect

In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it


Your job this week is a simple one. Choose one person in your world that makes you feel truly thankful for their part in your life. It can be a spouse, a friend, a family member or a co-worker. It really doesn’t matter who they are – what’s more important is the feelings of gratitude they elicit in you.


Now, I want you to write them a letter. As you write this letter, tell them why you value their relationship and include a few points that are especially noteworthy – a great ability to listen, the best time you’ve ever shared with them, character traits you really appreciate. Anything that comes to mind and helps to build the whole of your gratitude.


Here comes the more difficult part – you need to read them your letter be it over the phone, Skype, or any other number of means, you need to convey it to them personally. Follow up by mailing or hand-delivering it.


As you do this, make note of the different feelings it might bring up – nervousness, happiness, contentment, giddiness, or maybe even a little sadness or distress.

Each of these emotions and responses plays into that overall gratitude you feel, and as you begin to recognize its different components, you’ll notice that these come up in day-to-day life, and you will soon start noticing how small they can be and that they, too, are grounds for gratitude.

A positive attitude makes for a happy life!

What tips do you have to share on keeping a positive outlook right now?

Devin Hughes headshot
Devin C Hughes

Devin C. Hughes is an author, speaker, consultant, executive coach, and an internationally recognized expert in the science of happiness, organizational/culture change and leadership development. He has lectured and worked with a variety of Fortune 100 companies, as well as the Secret Service, the IRS, and an assortment of profit and nonprofit organizations. Devin is the author of 20 books and has lectured in more than 15 countries. He lives in San Diego, California, with his wife, four daughters, and two rescue dogs.

Connect with Devin on LinkedInFacebookTwitterInstagram, and at

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
The Gratitude Effect

The Gratitude Effect – learn how to operationalize gratitude and recognition in your workplace to fuel engagement, retention, and ROI.

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