Adaptability Is a Must-Have! (And Getting There Gets Personal)

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Adaptability Is a Must-Have! (And Getting There Gets Personal)

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For thousands of years, the top speed a human could get from point A to point B was about 40 MPH, the speed of a horse. Today, the fastest airplane is published as being capable of traveling 4519 MPH! It was around 1850 when the locomotive surpassed the horse as the fastest mode of transportation at around 50 MPH. In the last 170 years, the rate of human transportation has increased to more than one hundred times the rate it was limited to for thousands of years. If you look at this from a communication perspective and consider the horse also being the fastest form of communication for thousands of years, information can now travel near the speed of light – approximately 33,480,000 times faster than just 170 years ago!

All of this is to say we are in a time of accelerating change in our environment. If you graph technological advancement over the past 170 years, it is an exponential curve, and all these changes influence how we need to do business. Yet businesses and organizations struggle to change. They have a tough time with adaptability to change. Every change initiative, from a digital transformation to a merger, is met with internal resistance.

Recommended training from HRDQ-U

Cultivating Adaptability: Normalize Change

Why Do Organizations Struggle with Adaptability to Change?

Organizations struggle because individuals struggle with change. Individuals struggle with change because staying the same is safer, as far as the body is concerned. The animal in us craves the familiar, the predictable, and the known. The moment we decide to do something different, and we can no longer predict the outcome based on past experiences, we will feel uncomfortable. That uncomfortable feeling is the body telling us we are in unfamiliar territory, and most people unconsciously use their feelings as a barometer for change. They resist change because “they just don’t feel like it” or “it just doesn’t feel right.” It is uncomfortable, and we get to avoid that discomfort of change if we stay the same.

Now, if we add to this situation the stress hormones, which according to the American Institute of Stress are on the rise, we make this resistance of adaptability to change even stronger. Here are just a few stress statistics, according to the Stress in America Survey 2022.

  • 81% of Americans who participated in the poll were stressed out due to Supply Chain issues.
  • 87% of Americans are stressed due to the rising inflation in the country, up from 59% in August 2021 and 58% in June 2021.
  • 80% of Americans are tense and stressed about possible Russian cyberattacks or nuclear threats to the US.
  • 69% of Americans fear that World War III could break out, and we are in the genesis phase of it.
  • 65% of Americans responded that they were stressed about money and the economy.

Can We Increase Our Tolerance for Change?

We have now exacerbated the problem of individuals being resistant because stress is a survival response, and when we are in survival, it is not a time to create, it is not a time to try new things, it is not a time to collaborate, it is not a time communicate, it is a time to run, fight, or hide.

Have you ever noticed that on those “bad days” when you are incredibly stressed you have little tolerance for disturbances in your environment? We lose our cool because our children did not do the dishes, or we flip our lid because somebody forgot to clean off the dry-erase board when they were done, which we had all agreed we would do! This build-up and sustained state of stress that individuals are experiencing lowers their tolerance for change.

In conclusion, businesses must become adaptable and experts of change to thrive in an ever-changing world. To do that, individuals need to be adaptable, and to do that, they will need to become experts in self-regulation. They will need to be equipped with the knowledge and techniques of moving from a state of survival (stress) to a state of creation (flow) despite the conditions in their environment.

The good news is we have all the neurological and biological hardware to do this.

Headshot of Ken Scott
Ken Scott

Ken Scott serves as a coach, consultant, and trainer. He has worked with all levels of an organization, from senior executive VPs to individuals, adding value for the customer. He has a deep desire to help individuals evolve to higher levels of performance and enjoyment. This empowers them to change themselves and contribute to changing their organization from the inside out. Ken has been practicing the work of Dr. Joe Dispzena since 2012 and became a HeartMath-certified NeuroChangeSolutions consultant in 2020, teaching the work of Dr. Joe and HeartMath to individuals, teams, and organizations both locally and internationally. 

Ken’s background is in Manufacturing and Engineering. This background keeps him grounded in the desire for science and research-based solutions to personal and organizational challenges. Ken has committed himself to continuing his exploration of the ever-evolving scientific understandings of personal change and transformation both for himself and for his clients. 

Connect with Ken at

Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
Cultivating Adaptability: Normalize Change

Cultivating change requires work and understanding. Learn how to be adaptable and successfully implement change in volatile times.

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