Common Trainer Mistakes to Avoid

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Common Trainer Mistakes to Avoid

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Every trainer makes mistakes, whether they are new or seasoned. But the difference between an average trainer and an effective one comes after those mistakes are made. A good trainer learns from their mistakes and applies their results to future training sessions. There are a few commons mistakes, however, that all trainers should know from their very first session. Below are a few of these frequently-seen mistakes – and the solutions to them.

Mistake: No Transfer Strategy

One of the biggest mistakes that trainers make is they have no “transfer strategy.” A transfer strategy is where training begins, long before it’s actually delivered, and continues until results are seen. The behavior everyone has during the training makes the difference. What you do before, during, and after training is very important. The solution for a poor transfer strategy is focus and clarity. The trainer needs to have clarity on the materials in order to provide the best training possible.

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Mistake: Too Much Content/Too Little Time

Another common problem is when training consists of too much content in a small timeframe. If there is too much to learn, nothing will be learned. To solve this, apply the minimalist set principle. Divide the content into three buckets: “Need to know,” “Nice to know,” and “Where to go.” Deliver the need to know information first.

Mistake: Content Chunks Are Too Long

Content needs to be delivered in easily digestible chunks. Throwing too much information at participants won’t help them retain it. Training expert Bob Pike says people can listen with understanding for about 90 minutes, with retention for 20 minutes and actively perform a task every eight minutes. Training sessions should not exceed 90 minutes without a break. During the session, deliver the content in 20-minute chunks followed by a review. People should be actively engaged every eight minutes during the session.

Learning More About Mistakes

There are many more mistakes out there that need to be known by trainers. To learn more about how to avoid mistakes when training, watch HRDQ’s webinar on “The 7 Greatest Mistakes Trainers Make (and How to Avoid Them)” right here. Join training expert Bob Pike as he explores the worst mistakes trainers make when designing and delivering training and how to avoid them. He will cover mistakes in the following areas:

  • Learning transfer strategies
  • Chunking content and the amount of content presented
  • Asking and answering questions and going off schedule
  • Training measurement and evaluation
  • Keeping participants energized throughout the training
  • Opening and closing the training program and handout development
Recommended Training from HRDQ-U
The 7 Greatest Mistakes Trainers Make

Join training expert Bob Pike as he explores the seven WORST mistakes trainers make when designing and delivering training and shows you how to avoid them. We’ll cover mistakes in the following:  learning transfer strategies, chunking content, being attentive to the amount of content presented, asking and answering questions, going off schedule, training measurement & evaluation, keeping participants energized, opening and closing the training program, and handout development. And we’ll cover fixes for these mistakes.

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