Is Your Team Vulnerable To “Groupthink?”

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Is Your Team Vulnerable To “Groupthink?”

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It’s the collaboration killer that no one talks about!

Hey, we get it. The feeling of cohesion, of unanimity, just feels so nice and validating.

The problem is that desire for team cohesion can result in a compromise called groupthink. It’s the powerful illusion that “we are all on the same page” and it prevents good teams from looking at alternatives.

Your team may suffer from groupthink and you don’t even know it! How many of these characteristics do you see in your team?

  • Belief of invulnerability. “Hey, we’re good. We always nail it.”
  • Illusion of unanimity. “It looks like we’re all in agreement so let’s move on.”
  • Dismissal of feedback. “Our partner has critiques for us… but what do they know?”
  • Self censorship. “I’m concerned about our direction, but I don’t want to slow down our progress so I won’t say anything.”

As the team begins to work and collaborate with more expertise, a new vulnerability can creep in. “Groupthink” can cause even strong teams to fall into unproductive ways of thinking.

Take team training out of the lecture hall and place it at the front lines of the work. GO Team® is a powerful and flexible learning resource that employs a range of learning approaches that supports all kinds of teams. As a result, teams are constantly engaged, constantly challenged, and always developing towards higher performance. Divided into 18, highly engaging modules, GO Team is your Swiss army knife of team development.

Delivered to you in a fully reproducible PDF file, each GO Team module includes the facilitator guide, a “fast start” podcast, and participant guide so you will have the team training you need, whenever you need it. There is no “correct” sequence to the modules so you can choose the topics right for your team, build your own training agenda, and print and facilitate whenever you need it!

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