Connection Culture: Boosting Employee Engagement

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Connection Culture: Boosting Employee Engagement

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Michael Lee Stallard and HRDQ-U recently hosted a free webinar entitled, Connection Culture: Boosting Employee Engagement. Stallard is President of E Pluribus Partners, a leadership training and consulting firm. He speaks and teaches at a wide variety of business, government, healthcare and education organizations. He also is the primary author of the book Fired Up or Burned Out: How to Reignite Your Team’s Passion, Creativity and Productivity, and his most recent Connection Culture: The Competitive Advantage of Shared Identity, Empathy and Understanding at Work. Stallard writes the CEO Advisor column for and is a regular contributor to SmartBriefs.

Close to 500 people registered to listen to the webinar live. Missed it? Click here now!

“It was awesome and I can’t wait to encourage others in our organization to sign up for these webinars!”

 “This was by far the best webinar to date!”

 “Good webinar…lots of content…all consistent with my research and life experiences.”

Stallard began by explaining that the low rate of employee engagement hasn’t budged in more than a decade. Higher engagement is rooted in a culture whose language, attitudes and behaviors make people feel connected to one another rather than feel unsupported, left out or alone. Employees in an organization with a high degree of connection are more productive, more engaged, more collaborative, and less likely to leave. In fact, research demonstrates that there is a set of learnable leadership behaviors that can ignite the workforce so individuals do more than survive- they thrive.

The facts are that 70% of employees are not engaged. That is not acceptable!

There are Three Relational Cultures that we need to be aware of before we can engage our employees.

  1. Control
  2. Indifference
  3. Culture

Do you know where your organization falls?

There are Three V‘s in every organization: Vision, Value and Voice.

Stallard pointed out that when everyone in the organization is motivated by the mission, united by the values and is proud of the reputation of the organization, then they share the same vision. Vision creates a shared identity.

When everyone in the organization understands the needs of people, appreciates their positive, unique contributions, and helps others achieve their potential, then they share the same value. Value creates shared empathy.

Lastly, when everyone in the organization seeks the ideas of others, shares ideas and opinions honestly, and safeguards relational connections, then they share the same voice. Voice creates shared understanding.

So what is the “connection culture” that every organization needs to boost employee engagement and to thrive for sustained periods of time?

Well, connection and engagement = results.

  • 20 percent more productive
  • 87 percent less likely to leave
  • Better results on every business outcome

It is rational to be intentional about connection.

This interactive webinar ended with Stallard discussing different actions to consider to boost employee engagement. Some of them were:

  1. Recognize varying connection needs
  2. Know stories
  3. Be present
  4. Emphasize positives
  5. Provide feedback using constructive language

Do you want to learn more about boosting employee engagement? Are you interested in how to use your life and your stories to boost vision, value and voice? If so, then click here to watch the recorded session.

Sign up today to make sure you don’t miss the next free webinar!

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