Feeding Your Pipeline: How to Develop the Next Generation of Leaders

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Feeding Your Pipeline: How to Develop the Next Generation of Leaders

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Recently, Dan Tobin and HRDQ-U hosted a free webinar entitled, Feeding Your Leadership Pipeline: How to Develop the Next Generation of Leaders. With more than 30 years of experience in the learning and development field, Dan Tobin has served as a training director in several high-tech companies and as Vice President of Program Design and Development for the American Management Association. As a consultant and speaker, he has given workshops and keynotes on five continents, and has consulted to HR and training groups around the world. As an author, Dan has written seven well-regarded books on corporate learning strategies.

Over 460 people registered to listen to the webinar live and it was a big hit. Click here to watch it now!

Here are some of the rave reviews:

“I would not have missed this one for a million bucks.  Thanks.”

“Excellent presenter. The content corresponds to my actual needs in offering develop solutions. Provides a thoughtful background to the solutions proposed.”

“VERY useful.  I am referring it to the senior management in my organization.”

For years, the retirement of the baby boom generation has been an impending threat. Now, it’s no longer just impending — it’s happening. Each month, a quarter-million Americans turn 65. That’s a trend with overwhelming workplace consequences. Companies, big and small, will soon be faced with single-handedly being in charge of developing skills for the next generation of leaders.

We began with a poll. What steps has your company taken thus far to develop their leaders? (Note the replies in BOLD).

A. Identifying high potential employees – 20%

B. Developing succession plans for key positions – 14%

C. Sending candidates to external leadership development programs – 17%

D. Instituting an internal Leadership Development Program (LDP) – 49%

As you can see, almost half of the audience is instituting an LDP. That’s pretty impressive!

Next we discussed the Peter Principle. Essentially, “In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”

What company do you think of as the paradigm for leadership development? It’s General Electric.

There are four stages of learning:

  1. Data
  2. Information
  3. Knowledge
  4. Wisdom

The Basic LDP Learning Model has four elements: Education Programs, Action Learning Projects, Individual Development Plans, and Mentoring and Coaching.

Do you know mentoring and coaching are two different things?  Do you know why?

There are many different steps to implementing a LDP.

  1. Identify your high-potentials
  2. Choose program design
  3. Select topics and faculty
  4. Select action learning projects
  5. Set up a mentoring program
  6. Find coaches
  7. Write individual development plans
  8. Involve company executives in the program
  9. Do it all on a modest budget

In order for any of these steps to occur, though, you must get your Executives on-board and lay the ground work (set expectations) for all parties involved. You won’t regret it.

Want to learn more? Click here now.

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